Simon Sheridan

G’day. I’m Simon. I have a fairly wide variety of interests.

I do audio engineering, mixing and mastering. My most recent productions (2018) here and here. See also this and this.

I am a bass player. You can hear my playing here and here and here.

I once produced, audio engineered, video edited and did just about every other job for a live music program that streamed online and was also broadcast on Channel 31 here in Melbourne. It was called Basement Apes Live.

By day, I work in software engineering. You can read some of my thoughts on that in the left hand menu. You can also check out my gardening efforts including the planting of an edible forest garden.

I recently finished writing my first screenplay (a stoner comedy) and am currently working on a twitter-based comedy concept that may or may not bear fruit. I’ll be sure to post here if and when it does.

You can follow my personal twitter feed here.

Thanks for reading.

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