In my book, The Devouring Mother, I noted that one of the main properties of that archetype is what is called enabling. Enabling is the tacit or active encouragement of behaviours that are destructive to the individual being enabled. Enabling can only be carried out by a person in a position of authority, such as a parent, because the assumption is that the authority should be preventing said behaviour, not encouraging it. A classic example is drug use. A parent who either directly facilitates or tacitly allows drug use by their child is engaging in enabling behaviour. Most people would agree they are harming the child they should be caring for.
We can extrapolate the Devouring Mother archetype to the societal level precisely because every society has groups of people who are in positions of authority relative to the general public. We even sometimes call those groups “the authorities.” Just like with parents, we expect the authorities to act in the interests of the general public and not to encourage the general public to engage in harmful behaviour.
Modern western society has a peculiar blind spot in this respect because, even though we have a dazzling array of authorities, far more than any other society in history, we also have democracy, and we tell ourselves that this gives us freedom. However, even if we believe that democracy removes us from government authority, it’s still a fact that many of the authorities that exist today are outside of government control in a practical sense. Their authority over us exists above and beyond politics.
The scientific establishment is a classic example. In theory, the government can regulate science and technology. In practice, the government doffs its cap and tugs the forelock to institutional science. How many times have you heard a politician say, “I’m just following the science”.
What this means is that institutional science has authority. It’s perhaps not surprising, then, that science, and especially medicine, have become major practitioners of enabling behaviour at the societal level and key planks in the overall archetypal dynamic that I have been calling the Devouring Mother.
But authority is only one of the prerequisites for enabling behaviour. In fact, there are three pillars of enabling behaviour at the societal level in the modern West.
Pillar 1 is the one just discussed: the authority of one individual or group over others.
Pillar 2 is the aforementioned notion of “freedom” that has become the foundational myth of the modern West since the United States became hegemon. This is the freedom of the individual from the authority of government.
Pillar 3 also arrived with US hegemony: consumer capitalism.
Now that we know what the three pillars are, let’s look at some examples of the societal-level enabling that is going on these days.
Example 1: the encouragement of addiction
Remember that enabling is about encouraging behaviour that is harmful to the person doing it. We know that most things in life are harmful when carried out in excess. We also know that there are certain activities that are more likely to be carried out to excess because they are addictive. Among these are pornography, drugs, alcohol, and gambling. To encourage people to partake of these activities is therefore a form of enabling behaviour.
But this is precisely what most western societies have done in recent decades. We live in a time of unlimited porn, instantaneous online gambling, and the increasing legalisation or decriminalisation of drugs. All of this is indicative of enabling behaviour, and if we drill down further, we see that the three pillars outlined above are all present.
Pillar 3, consumer capitalism, is the most obvious since somebody is making a lot of money out of selling online porn, gambling and drugs. The government itself takes a cut of that money via tax and so the government is arguably also included in Pillar 3.
Pillar 2 is about freedom. When it comes to porn, gambling, and drugs, it is always the libertarians who are ready to jump out of the bushes and tell you that people should be “free” to do these things since they don’t hurt anybody else. That may be true, but enabling is about the damage done to the person being enabled. Thus, the question resolves down to whether we think society should allow individuals to harm themselves through addiction.
Everybody will have different opinions on this, but I think it should be uncontroversial that some individuals do, in fact, harm themselves with drugs and gambling at least (the consequences of porn are less obvious). I personally know several people in that category, and I’m sure most readers would too.
Does the allowing of porn, gamling and drugs count as enabling behaviour or is it just the necessary price of “freedom” as the libertarians would say?
To my mind, the libertarian position was valid three hundred years ago precisely because modern consumer capitalism did not exist at that time. Wanna smoke pot in 1750? You’ll have to grow it yourself or find a friend who does. Wanna gamble or watch porn? You’ll have to take the time, trouble, and risk of going to a place of ill repute. In a world without consumer capitalism, it was really difficult for the average person to consume things to excess. That’s why most of the stories of debauchery from that era come from the aristocracy, who had the time and money to spare.
Modern consumer capitalism has elevated society in general to a level of wealth where we can now also destroy ourselves through excess. In fact, consumer capitalism makes it really, really easy to do so. Once you make porn, gambling, and drugs legal, companies will compete against each other to make those things as easy as possible to consume. The most successful companies will be the ones who make it the easiest. In fact, it is in those companies’ interest to create addicts.
Thus, in relation to porn, gambling, and drugs, it’s the combination of libertarian politics (Pillar 2) and consumer capitalism (Pillar 3) that creates enabling behaviour at the societal level. All that is required is for the government to relinquish its authority (Pillar 1) in favour of the free market. This is a passive form of enabling.
Note that passive enabling is predicated on allowing predatory behaviour to occur. If a drug dealer is hanging around a drug addict all the time, asking if they want to buy drugs, that doesn’t count as enabling behaviour because the drug dealer has no authority over or duty of care towards the addict (at least not legally). The drug dealer is engaging in predatory behaviour. However, the person who has a duty of care but allows predatory behaviour to occur is an enabler. One could argue that the government has become a passive enabler by allowing corporations to engage in predatory behaviour towards the general public.
Example 2: human trafficking
The same assertion can be made about a second form of enabling behaviour going on these days: the massive movement of people into western nations. This is especially stark in the United States with the huge influx of illegal immigrants that is going on. This form of enabling fits better with the Devouring Mother archetype since it comes under the guise of care and/or safety. The people arriving in the US must claim asylum, meaning they ask to be taken into the care of the US government.
Governments have authority over and a duty of care to their citizens. The idea that governments also have a duty of care to non-citizens was born out of the abuses of governments towards non-citizens that happened in the 20th century in Europe. This gives us Pillar 2 of enabling since everybody now has the “freedom” to claim asylum in a neutral country.
Pillar 3 is also clearly present. You don’t have to scratch the surface too much to see that enormous amounts of money are changing hands in relation to the movements of people that are going on. Much of that money is, in fact, coming from governments themselves, either directly or indirectly. But there are certainly a great many “entrepreneurs” who are earning that money by facilitating the trade.
Once again, the pattern we see is that the official authority of government (Pillar 1) is being bypassed or relinquished in the name of the freedom (Pillar 2) of people to claim asylum, with a great deal of money (Pillar 3) changing hands. All three elements of enabling behaviour are present.
On the surface, this might not seem like enabling behaviour since asylum seekers are being “protected” rather than harmed. But it is surely the case that at least some of the people being trafficked are being harmed by the incredibly risky journey they must take at the end of which they receive zero certainty about their status in the country they arrive in. Given that their journey is predicated on the deliberate removal of government authority, they must face the constant threat of deportation if the political winds change in the future and Pillar 1 is re-established.
Example 3: the medical-pharma industries
There are other examples of enabling behaviour we could go into, but the one I want to spend the rest of the post on is the one that got me thinking about this issue again, and that’s the enabling behaviour specific to the modern medical industry. Here, once again, we have the classic form of Devouring Mother enabling done under the guise of “protection” and “care”, which means authority (Pillar 1). We also know that enormous amounts of money are made in the modern medical industry (Pillar 3). Less obvious, and therefore most interesting, is the role that Pillar 2 (freedom) plays. As we will see, modern medical enabling is done in the name of freedom.
Now, I’m not quite old enough to have experienced the AIDS hysteria in full flight, but I did grow up in the world that followed that hysteria. I’d never questioned the official narrative until the COVID debacle made me realise how weak the science of virology is, and that got me looking back to AIDS, which was, in most respects, a practice run for COVID.
It’s one of the ironies of COVID that the man who invented the technology (PCR) that made it possible, Kary Mullis, had already been an “AIDS denier” back in the 80s. Mullis wrote the forward to what is perhaps the definitive book on the subject, which is Peter Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”.
Bear in mind that Duesberg was himself a virologist, and his initial argument against the HIV-causes-AIDS hypothesis was a technical one aimed at his colleagues. What began as the honest questioning of the science around the HIV virus ended up with Duesberg’s career being systematically destroyed by the virology establishment. That’s why the story of Duesberg is a perfect example of the corruption of institutional science these days.
What Duesberg had realised was that the so-called disease of “AIDS” never behaved as if it were caused by a virus. One of the main pieces of evidence for that was that over 90% of AIDS patients were men. As Duesberg looked into it more, he realised that it wasn’t just that AIDS sufferers were men; they were a very specific demographic of men, namely, homosexual men.
Nowadays, we are used to the idea of homosexual couples living in the suburbs and holding down respectable careers. But in the late 70s and 80s, the homosexual culture was dominated by a lifestyle that could only be called sex, drugs, and disco. Much like rock’n’roll, it was a lifestyle that could only ever be lived by young men because any other demographic would be physiologically incapable of continuing it for any length of time. Imagine taking multiple different drugs, spending an entire night drinking, dancing and having sex with multiple strangers, taking more drugs to be able to go to sleep, and then getting up and doing it again the next day and the day after that.
What Duesberg realised was that the disease profile for “AIDS” did not match the pattern that would be expected for a viral disease but absolutely did match the profile for a lifestyle disease based around endless partying, casual sex, and heavy drug use. (He also made a number of technical arguments outlining problems with the specific association of the HIV virus with “AIDS”.)
Pillar 3 of enabling is about money. Well, hundreds of billions of dollars have been pumped into the virology and medical industries to combat the AIDS “crisis”. To put that into context, about as much has been spent on AIDS as on the Apollo space program. The big difference, of course, is that the Apollo space program actually achieved its mission, while the AIDS program was a complete failure. This explains why Duesberg was targeted. He was threatening to kill the goose that laid the golden egg and he was pointing out quite specifically why the AIDS program was failing: it wasn’t addressing the actual problem.
We can also see with AIDS that the authority of the government (Pillar 1) was once again handed over, this time to the authority of the “experts.” Then, as now, the scientific and medical establishments were blindly trusted by the general public, even despite the obvious failure of the AIDS program. Because of this, politicians faced no political consequences for continuing to fork over taxpayer money and leave the “experts” to take care of it.
That gives us Pillars 1 and 3. But it’s arguably Pillar 2 (freedom) that is the most interesting here because what Duesberg’s theory about the real cause of AIDS highlighted was that it was a lifestyle problem. But it was a lifestyle that was the direct result of the freedom movement of the 60s. That freedom movement had already given rise to sex, drugs, rock’n’roll. The homosexual lifestyle of the 70s and 80s was arguably just a more extreme version of what the hippies had already dabbled with.
Because the freedom to be homosexual was tied up with the more general freedom movement of the time, nobody wanted to admit that “AIDS” could be the result of that freedom. Especially in the United States, to acknowledge that would have provided ample political ammunition for the Christian conservatives. Having fought so hard for freedom, nobody wanted to admit that it could have downsides. Almost certainly, this played a major role in why nobody wanted to hear Duesberg’s arguments.
When we put all this together, what we see with the AIDS hysteria is that the scientific and medical establishments had actually become part of an enabling dynamic that encouraged a harmful lifestyle choice. This enabling went beyond purely passive forms. As Duesberg noted, doctors were providing antibiotics to gay men under the table. Many gay men were taking antibiotics on a daily basis to fend off the bacterial diseases arising from their sexual practices.
When used for short periods of time, antibiotics help to eliminate a specific pathogen. However, they also kill healthy bacteria, and so long-term daily use is harmful because it throws out the balance of the microbiome. Thus, the prescription of antibiotics by the medical industry was harmful in itself and also indirectly harmful by enabling a destructive lifestyle. That’s true even before we get into the sordid story of the prescription of AZT and other harmful pharmaceuticals prescribed as treatment for so-called “AIDS”.
When we stand back from all this, what we can see is that the medical industry was implicitly promising to “protect” the men who were engaging in a destructive lifestyle. We might go further and say they were trying to protect those men from the consequences of their actions. That is a fake kind of “freedom” (Pillar 2) that involves putting your trust in an authority (Pillar 1) which is financially incentivised (Pillar 3) to keep you dependent. Nobody sees it, of course, because the government is not involved and, in the United States, freedom is always freedom from government.
AIDS might have been the first example of this pattern of enabling, but it has not been the last. We saw a repetition with the COVID hysteria. We also see it in the trans issue as it has evolved in recent years. Just as homosexual men had to be “free” to live as they wanted, now we are told that children and teenagers must be “free” to choose their own sex. The extreme homosexual lifestyle was only ever possible with a variety of licit and illicit drugs. The same is true of the trans lifestyle choice which is fundamentally predicated on surgical and pharmaceutical interventions. Once more, we can see that this ticks all the boxes for enabling behaviour.
Pillar 1 is about authority, and here we see not just the authority of the scientific and medical industries but also the authority of teachers and other school staff who are pushing the trans ideology. Since this authority is in direct conflict with the authority of parents, the trans battle increasingly revolves around who has the right of authority over the child.
Pillar 3 of enabling—money—is also present in the trans issue, not just in the medical industry revenue from the various surgical interventions, not just in the pharmaceutical industry revenue from puberty blockers and hormonal treatments, but perhaps more importantly, in the army of teachers, administrative, and psychological workers whose jobs rely on their being something to counsel children and teenagers about. We shouldn’t underestimate the lengths people will go to ensure they have a reason to justify their paycheque.
Finally, we have Pillar 2: freedom.
With the AIDS issue, the freedom was that of consenting adults to have sex with whoever they chose. Since homosexuality has been around since time immemorial, this request is something with a long and understandable history to it. The freedom proposed by trans ideology, however, is a very different thing that has perhaps no historical precedent. It is a “freedom” entirely predicated on the ability of modern science and medicine to surgically and pharmaceutically manipulate sex characteristics. Therefore, it is a freedom that could never have been offered before. It’s also a freedom that can only ever be offered by “experts” with the authority implied by the title.
All of which is to say that the trans issue is a classic case of enabling behaviour with the same cluster of elements that gave us the AIDS and Corona hysterias.
What’s particularly interesting is how all three pillars of enabling map to different default political ideologies. The second pillar of “freedom” is primarily associated with libertarianism. The third pillar, capitalism, is supported by the right side of modern politics. The first pillar, the authority of the state, is mostly associated with the left wing.
Thus enabling, and the Devouring Mother phenomenon more generally, do not fit neatly into any modern political category. That’s why no political party has an answer to it. The right wing is coming closest, but its obsession with the “free market” and money (Pillar 3) means that it can’t object too hard. Meanwhile, left wingers will eagerly jump on board issues that earn enormous sums of money for multi-national corporations as long as “freedom” is promised in return.
Enabling is, in fact, a manifestation of the status quo of the modern West. That status quo combines the free market, individual freedom, and administrative and scientific authority. All of this is predicated on the refutation of the authority of government. Enabling requires the deliberate deprecation of (national democratic) governmental authority in favour of the market, the bureaucracy and the various globalist institutions. The winners, at least from a financial and political point of view, are the capitalists, the bureaucrats and the experts. The losers are pretty much everybody else.