I feel the need to start this post with a disclaimer: all models are wrong but some are useful.
What I’m going to do here is take my Devouring Mother model and apply it to the world of geopolitics. At first glance, this might seem like drawing a long bow; stretching the tenuous sinews of a psychological theory into the domain of realpolitik. It may be objected that we already have the disciplines of political theory, economics and military theory to explain geopolitics. What can psychology add to this mix? These may be valid criticisms and yet it seems that the archetypal theory does have something interesting to say about current world events. In any case, there’s no harm in sketching it out. So, with these caveats in mind, let’s take archetypes for a spin around the block and see how they fare accounting for the current state of geopolitics.
I hinted at this geopolitical archetypal analysis in one of my earlier posts on The Devouring Mother (click here for a description of the archetype). Here’s the executive summary: the US Empire is The Devouring Mother. The Devouring Mother has acquiescent children and these are the inner circle of the empire, known as The West (including Japan and South Korea). The Devouring Mother also has rebellious children and these would be the countries who most openly defy the empire including North Korea, Iraq, Iran and now Russia.
The key to the archetype is that The Devouring Mother and the acquiescent children are in a relationship that is not healthy for either party. The mother keeps the children in a perpetual state of dependence which prevents their growing up into full adulthood. Her outward portrayals of kindness or motherly love are facsimiles of real affection and serve to hide her deeper intention which is a will to power and a desire to dominate.
As it turns out, the US Empire fits the concept quite well. Of course, all empires are in the business of domination. What distinguishes the US Empire in the post war years is that it has been run almost entirely on what we can call soft power. We can compare this soft power to an example of hard power in the Roman Empire. The Romans expanded their empire by military conquest. They would subjugate entire areas by force and then convert whoever was still alive into Roman citizens. In archetypal terms, this form of empire building belongs to The Warrior. The Warrior was also dominant in Europe in the centuries leading up to the world wars (it’s not a coincidence that both Hitler and Mussolini idolised Rome). In comparison to Rome and the pillaging and plundering of the colonial era, the American Empire has seen relatively little overt warfare and where war has taken place such as in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, it has mostly been a failure. It has been the soft power that has worked to keep the US Empire running.
Much like The Devouring Mother hides her true intentions behind a façade of niceness, soft power is a cloak for what is really going on: wealth transfer. This happens mostly through financial means such as the dominance of the US Dollar, but it’s also present in more subtle ways. Let’s take a trivial but representative example. Australia is in the inner circle of the US Empire and is therefore one of the acquiescent children. There are a small number of famous Australian actors in Hollywood and yet the Australian film industry is practically non-existent. These two facts are not unconnected. The reason the Australian film industry is non-existent is because American movies and other cultural products flood the Australian market and make movie-making unprofitable here. As a result, the only money available to make movies in Australia comes from the government and because government money always has a number of criteria attached to it that have been cooked up by committees of braindead bureaucrats, it’s practically impossible to make a good film using government money. That’s why most Australian movies are about as entertaining as a catatonic koala on half a pack of Valium. It’s also why anybody with an ounce of talent leaves the Australian film industry as soon as they can and heads to the US.
This is an example of soft power at work. The US benefits because the most talented people from Australia (and other countries) are drawn to it. Those people were raised and educated in Australia using Australian wealth, but they spend their most productive years making money for the US economy. For the US, this is an economic bonus; for Australia, an economic loss. The same thing happens in sectors other than the film industry. This leaves Australia in the position of the acquiescent child, unable to develop our own industries and dependent on the US Empire for products.
Australia gets certain benefits out of being in the inner circle of the US empire but the cost is not just our film and other industries but also the ability to pursue independent policy. Thus, Australian troops were sent to Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan and wherever else the US empire decides to fight. Similarly, Australia is stunted in relation to trade, economic and foreign policy where we are not free to pursue our own interests but must ensure that whatever we do gets the okay from Washington first.
One of the benefits Australia and other nations get from being in the inner circle of the empire is that we can enact the same kind of wealth transfer on countries further down the pecking order. But it is here we are starting to see one of the many indications that the soft power of the US Empire and therefore The Devouring Mother is coming to an end.
A few weeks’ ago I was at a party and got talking to a woman who had migrated to Australia from India. Australia has a large number of immigrants from India who are mostly skilled professionals working in IT and other industries. This woman mentioned to me that she was about to go on a holiday back to her home town in India and I asked whether there were any travel restrictions due to corona there. She immediately and vociferously replied “No, they’re free! Not like us” (where “us” meant Australians).
The bitterness of the reply took me a little by surprise although it shouldn’t have. One of the more shameful episodes in the last two years was when the Australian government made it illegal for anybody who had been to India in a two week period to return to the country. This was a blanket ban justified at the time because of the emergence of the so-called Delta strain. The ban even applied to Australian citizens. The policy stayed in place for about two weeks before being quietly dropped; proving that there was still some limit to the craziness. Although this was an affront to all Australian citizens, it’s not hard to imagine that the Indian community would have felt they were being directly discriminated against and I don’t doubt that the bitterness in this woman’s voice was partly due to that incident.
What I heard in the tone of this woman’s voice was the sound of the soft power of the West circling the drain. Western nations have been an attractive destination for immigrants because of the rule of law, democracy and freedom. Immigrants from India and other countries came to Australia precisely because of the freedom they expected to enjoy here. After the last two years, they can see that Australia now considers the rule of law, democracy and freedom to be conditional. Worse than that, they watch on as our politicians continue to lecture other countries about freedom while failing to ensure it at home. Hypocrisy is fatal to any pretentions of moral leadership and by extension soft power and the hypocrisy of the West is now palpable.
It could be predicted from this that immigrants would be less willing to migrate to western nations and that seems to be exactly what is happening. Like most other countries, Australia is suffering a shortage of workers at the moment and with borders re-opened the government been trying to attract workers from overseas particularly in the medical and teaching professions. This tactic has been Australia’s bread and butter for the best part of two or three decades. I like to the call it the Immigration-Education-Real Estate Axis of Evil. It involves attracting skilled workers, international students and property investors to the country. What it amounts to in practice is nothing more than inflation for Australia while also robbing poorer countries of their wealth in the form of cash and human talent. Trouble is, the government’s new immigration drive isn’t producing the results that were expected. This makes sense if you consider that all western nations are currently competing for available workers at the same time. But I suspect the attitude of the Indian woman I was talking to is also a factor. The behaviour of western nations over the last two years has not gone unnoticed and the outrageous hypocrisy of leaders like Justin Trudeau blabbering on about freedom and human rights in foreign countries while actively violating these principles at home has the effect of reducing any remaining moral superiority the west might have had and with it the soft power that has been the engine of the US empire.
This is just one area where the soft power of the US Empire is going up in smoke. Another kind of soft power is the ability to control the narrative but, as I pointed out in a previous post, westerns nations cannot even control their own internal narrative anymore. The combination of censorship on social media and search engines as well as blatant fabrication of news in the mainstream media increasingly looks like a desperate last stand to try and create a unified narrative where none exists. This leads us back to the rebellious children and specifically to Trump who single-handedly hijacked the narrative in order to propel himself to the presidency.
Trump represented the rejection of the hypocrisy that had come to predominate in the west in recent decades. He didn’t speak nice and he didn’t play nice. He translated the business of geopolitics into raw displays of power. This was a version of straight talk that, whatever else can be said about it, had no hypocrisy in it at all. Trump’s victory put the existing narrative of the west into terminal decline because he forced his opponents to engage in blatant falsehoods (Russiagate) and censorship. In other words, he forced them also to engage in raw displays of power. All pretence of fairness was abandoned as The Devouring Mother showed her hand. In addition, Trump’s tariffs against China signified the end of the free trade status quo. This was another area where the US was no longer going to play nice. In these and other ways, Trump’s victory seemed to signify the end of soft power and therefore the end of The Devouring Mother.
It was tempting to think that Trump’s subsequent defeat in 2020 was a victory for The Devouring Mother and that’s the way it looked at the time. But I think we’re far enough into the Biden administration now to see that this is not the case and it’s mainly in the geopolitical arena that we can see why. The soft power of the US Empire is not coming back. We see that in the fact that various middle eastern countries were not even answering the phone to the Biden administration when the oil price spiked. We see it in the fact that most countries outside the west have not joined in the sanctions against Russia. We see it in the fact that India did a deal to receive Russian oil while also remaining neutral on most of the symbolic measures against Russia. Recently there was even this comedy video from Saudi Arabia mocking Biden. You know things are bad when even the Saudis are making (quite decent) jokes at your expense.
The final domino to fall will be the most powerful element of soft power which is the status of the US dollar as reserve currency. That looks not too far off. We heard news just this week that no less an ally than Israel is increasing holdings of Yuan and Ruble while Russia is on notice as saying it wants to see an end to US dollar hegemony and has a plan to try and bring that about by backing the Ruble with a combination of gold and oil.
Meanwhile on the domestic front there are empty supermarket shelves, spiking petrol prices and unfilled job vacancies in almost all western nations. I saw a random headline the other day that said something like “The days of having lots of choice in the supermarket are over”. Really? Just like that consumerism is all over? Consumerism was one of the defining elements of the post war years and the one that the West used to brag about in relation to the empty shelves in the USSR. In fact, Ronald Reagan’s old joke about buying a car in the USSR sounds a lot more like the west these days.
“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” is the line from The Great Reset. It’s a catchy phrase, but it’s pure fiction. The whole consumer economy is predicated on the dopamine hit that comes from buying things. Where is that dopamine hit going to come from if there’s nothing to buy? In archetypal terms, the consumer economy is one of the foundational elements of The Devouring Mother – Orphan dynamic. It’s the main way in which the “children” are persuaded to acquiesce. If it goes away, so does most of the support for the archetype.
This is also true at the geopolitical level. The dynamic holding together the US Empire together has been the consumer economy with the steady supply of hydrocarbons to power it. The primary justification to ship manufacturing to China was to lower the price of consumer goods but that’s not working out so well any more. Meanwhile, the Russia-Ukraine war signals a paradigm shift in energy supplies. Ironically, it was Trump who had warned the Europeans about their reliance on Russia for energy. This clip has been doing the rounds on the internet in the last few weeks. It shows the then President Trump telling a German delegation that their country had become reliant on Russian energy. The Germans respond by laughing and shaking their heads but with Russian energy supplies no longer guaranteed they’re not laughing anymore. Currently it is US oil released from the strategic reserve that is filling the hole in European markets but how much longer will that last? At some point the US is going to prioritise its own interests over the Europeans and that’s when the relationship is going to break down for real. The Germans in particular seem to realise the situation as their recent announcement of rearmament indicates. That rearmament announcement also signifies the end of the soft power period when the Europeans felt they could freeload off the US military for protection.
What all this adds up to is that the era of The Devouring Mother is fast coming to an end. The soft power of the west is evaporating in real time. The consumer economy is imploding. The final death knell will be the inevitable reset of the US dollar. That event once seemed to be decades away but all of a sudden it may be imminent. When it goes away, so will many illusions about the world we live in. The naivete, denial and obliviousness – all shadows traits of The Child archetype – that has characterised western public discourse of the last few decades will disappear in a puff of smoke. The West will have to bargain in real terms for what it wants rather than rely on soft power to get it.
What can we expect when The Devouring Mother – Orphan departs the scene? We can invoke the other archetypes to make some guesses.
Let’s say The Child archetype comes to the fore. This matches up with anarchist, libertarian and self-organising tendencies. Just as children effortlessly organise their own play into games featuring rules that are never explicitly communicated, we could see brand new forms of social organisation spontaneously appear on the ground. The arrival of The Child would look like an unleashing of energy in localised groups not under centralised control. The Canadian Truckers protest is an excellent example of what that could look like.
Alternatively, The Ruler archetype might come to the fore. The Ruler imposes order from above. This allows people to take responsibility for their actions while also having the freedom to make mistakes. The Ruler would weed out graft and corruption and reassert national sovereignty. The Ruler would re-establish the rule of law (remember that?) and remove power from unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats.
We may see a return to The Warrior archetype. This could very well be a necessity in Europe and the talk of rearmament there looks to be a strong signal in that direction. However, The Warrior does not need to manifest in military form. It may also come to the fore in a business and organisational context too. Any large scale program requiring significant organisational skill would be an example of The Warrior in action.
Finally, we might see The Sage archetype manifest in the form of new religions or the re-emergence of old religions. This is what Spengler predicted with his Second Religiosity. This would sweep away all the hypocrisy, propaganda and gaslighting and replace it with simple but profound truths that re-unite society behind common assumptions about reality.
Of course, these are the positive forms of the archetypes and there is no guarantee that we won’t see other shadow forms take the place of The Devouring Mother. It’s also true that we can expect different nations to start to go their own way including those on the inner circle. As the US empire retreats, Europe looks to be particularly exposed and a return of The Warrior looks very likely. For Australia and New Zealand, a lot will depend on whether the US will be able to project power into the Pacific and how assertive China becomes. On current form, it seems quite possible we will continue to manifest The Child in shadow form whether under US or Chinese dominance. The US itself seems best placed to pursue the positive traits of The Child in the sense that there will be significant internal differences between the various states. Of course, those differences may become so great that they result in the dissolution of the country.
Finally, it’s worth noting that whichever archetype takes over from The Devouring Mother, it will still be the same old battle between the positive and shadow forms. As Solzhenitsyn noted, the divide between good and evil runs through every human heart and that’s not going to change any time soon.
Nice work Simon, it’s undoubtedly a long bow but it functions well enough. Certainly our country Australia very neatly fits all the Ophan stereotypes you have mentioned before: dependent, scared, and conformist. I remember some cartoons back in the early 20th century portraying our national character (in
a similiar framing as Uncle Sam, the Russian Bear, Britannia etc) as the Little Boy from Manly. Pretty embarrassing that it still fits well, a little boy tugging at Uncle Sam’s coattails.
Our flag tells you all you need to know about all the messed up archetypal issues going on in the national psyche. I’ve about given up hoping for a time when we finally embrace freedom and actually become a sovereign country. Probably a long way in the future, and something may have to break to get there.
Skip – Australia has spent its entire short life as a vassal state of an empire. It’s hard to even imagine what life looks like in any other configuration. Still, once the Queen dies we might see a revival of the republic idea and depending on how things play out geopolitically there might be an opportunity for change. Like you, I’m not holding my breath.
Your analysis seems quite reasonable. I suspect the shadow forms of all the four archetypes, as you would call them, will predominate. There is a nice article by Merriman on the Platonic regimes that notes that under tyranny, the worker becomes an anarchist, which shows that these are not mutually exclusive. And of course the tyrant foments war (exploiting the re-established nationalistic feelings, I suspect). The shadow sages sound like the hierarchy of ‘clerics’ who precede the ‘Antichrist’, according to Guénon.
This is a really outstanding post. By the way, I found you because you recommended your latest post to me personally on the Archdruid. I am glad I took you up on the offer. Now I see that I have another blog to add to list of regular reads. You expressed it all very well and I am not sure I have much to add.
One thing I have been thinking about is that the decline of power is one thing, but the realization by all parties that power has waned is quite something else. The latter is what matters, and it tends to happen rather suddenly. The Austro-Hungarian empire had massively declined by 1914, but nobody was sure of that until its spectacular failure of an invasion of Serbia. Then it tried to help its ally Germany in the wider war and had the same thing happen. In the same way, the British empire looked very powerful in 1939, but in reality was so weak that within two years it had to choose between becoming an occupied province of the German empire and becoming an occupied province of the American empire.
America is obviously very weakened on almost every account. The social fabric of the nation is being shredded beyond repair; the economy is broken; its leadership in the world is erratic and uninspiring. But until now nobody really had really called the Americans’ hand. That has now happened, and it will be interested to see if the collapse ensues rather rapidly.
Austin – good point. What you might call “positive anarchy” can also flourish under a strong Ruler who sets in place a framework that allows for people to self organise. It’s not hard to see how that could work these days. All you’d have to do is sack half the bureaucracy and get rid of all the rules that hold back individual initiative. Although, just because that would be technically easy does not mean it would be politically easy. In fact, the bureaucracy would openly attack such a Ruler.
Cloven Kingdom – agreed. It’s a lot like a fiat currency. It only works as long as everybody agrees to play along. As soon as they no longer agree, things can unravel very quickly. At the moment, everybody still more or less agrees that the US is the sole superpower, but that can change very quickly with either the collapse of the dollar or a military defeat. The question then becomes what replaces the current system. Will there be a new global hegemon (Ruler archetype), a balance of competing power groups (Child archetype), lots of war (Warrior archetype). It’s not clear to me which it will be.
Simon – are all models wrong, or are some of them just incomplete & provisional? Re the model you’re working w/ here, I keep asking questions because I’m trying to map it onto the models I know well, & if it won’t fit (though it’s often very suggestive of them), to at least get some perspective. So, are the Devouring Mother & the Orphan two different archetypes? Or are they a binary system (like Pluto & Charon)? Can either exist w/o the other?
And is the Child (which sounds so appealing in its positive manifestation) separate from the Orphan, or another version of it? And do the Ruler, Warrior &/or Sage also have counterparts? Is the Sage an aspect of what you’ve called the Mage?
Shane – given the propensity of human ego to get in the way, saying all models are wrong is a useful counterbalance against hubris.
I think there’s a specific configuration of The Mother and The Child which I’m calling The Devouring Mother – Orphan. That is the situation where The Mother is actively preventing The Child from coming of age/individuating/initiating. So, for the purpose of my analysis, The Devouring Mother – Orphan are a unit even though they are separate archetypes and exist independently (whatever “exists” means for an archetype). I also distinguish between two sub-types of The Child: The Innocent and The Orphan. Shadow form of The Ruler, The Warrior and The Sage are The Tyrant, The Plunderer and The False Prophet. A case can be made that The Sage is different from The Magician although I tend to combine the two.
Thanks, Simon – so the Orphan is a shadow form of the Child. I guess that’s true of the Rebel, too, then, if both manifest in relation to the Devouring Mother? Or no, because the Rebel is the one that gets away? Though sometimes the Rebel can self-destruct.
By counterpart, I didn’t mean shadow aspect but complement – so, in the sense that the Orphan & the Devouring Mother fit together, do you have a sense of what archetypes might enable or fit w/ the Tyrant, Plunderer &/or False Prophet?
Shane – interesting question. I hadn’t thought about it but I guess there is also a “Combinatorial Archetype Analysis”. I hereby declare this a new subdomain of Jungian Psychology. I guess the False Prophet needs Orphans in shadow form and The Tyrant needs The Plunderer to do the dirty work.
Europe, and especially France and Germany, would certainly like to reprise its role as The Plunderer, especially on the still-vulnerable African continent.
Germany is once again behind in the colonial game, just like 150 years ago, and may want its new-fangled army for that reason alone.
But if other powers and alliances put a stop to renewed European colonialism, the plundering may turn inward, and just like today, then-excess killing capacity be used to seek profit by destroying ones European neighbours.
For now, though, Europe’s potential for an outbreak of violence in most cases looks to be a domestic one, just like Ukraine.
In its blindness to the causes of that war Europe seeks to explain it by blaming external actors, yet it’s the recent election results one has to look at to find a clearer picture – victorious right-wing governments in more European countries are just a matter of time.
Those then will attempt to become The Ruler, and we won’t have 4 years to waste on hoaxes and whatnot.
Our Trump analoga need to succeed, but Europe’s past will loom large, and internal escalation will be a tempting move to consolidate power (and express the Shadow).
Michael – Is Europe making moves into Africa? I hadn’t heard about that although I have heard the Chinese are moving in to various countries with their debt-based model that looks similar to the IMF.
Europe has continually been active in Africa, with France leading the way. But these days, competition is hot – Russia’s support for countries like Mali means they now can demand France, Germany et al leave the country and take their neo-colonialist ways with them.
Turkey seems very active, with the gulf states increasingly seeing her as competition for muslim countries’ resources.
China used to be hottest, yet Russia seems less demanding a partner.
And a country like Algeria, far from being an “alternative to Russian gas” – https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/can-africa-offer-alternative-russian-gas – is actually a Russian ally.
Trying to turn Africa into Europe’s backyard will probably cost more lives than the US attempt to do likewise in South America. And an even steadier stream of migrants.
Michael – interesting. That adds another dimension to an already over-heated situation.
‘”You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” is the line from The Great Reset. It’s a catchy phrase, but it’s pure fiction. The whole consumer economy is predicated on the dopamine hit that comes from buying things. Where is that dopamine hit going to come from if there’s nothing to buy?’
Religions survive if they can work out some exoteric means to give people that hit. But the hit tends to make people delusional. Same problem on both sides. The Sages job is to teach ways to be happy and wise simultaneously and to get those two factors to dance clockwise and upwards.
One skilled in this can have nothing and be happy. But only a small percentage of any population have the inclination/talent/karma to cultivate this craft. For the average Joe, there needs to be contentment in material things plus regular dopamine hits through religious and cultural rituals/celebrations, run by Elders who aren’t attracted to the wealth and power these inevitably collate, which give instructions about how to get dopamine hits by developing wholesome and meaningful art and culture.
This is also the way to motivate people to do jobs requiring hard-labour without resort to bots, slavery or deception: the happiness of fulfilling a hard duty for the sake of a people and vision one believes in plus the pleasure in the pride of artful execution.
Agreed. It is quite ironic that “you’ll own nothing and be happy” could actually be the catchphrase of a nunnery or monastery and yet it’s being proposed as a techno-utopian future.
We can’t all be monastics. It’s also dangerous to expect everyone to live that way. Furthermore, while I’m not sure about other traditions, Buddhist monks have private property as well as common property, just, ideally, not very much in the former case. And then, the Buddha was clearly all for lay-people being rich, so long as they garner their wealth ethically and use their excess to help others. Pretty common sense stuff.
Yes. Full time religious practitioners have always been a small minority. I do find it ironic that monasticism was a founding idea in modern Europe and a weird techno-utopian version of the same idea is now seriously proposed as a lifestyle option for the masses.
Looks to me like Christendom’s project of control and dominate the world in a different habit. The monasticism of the historical Buddha has localism and decentralism wired into the vary baseline of its legal system, making cultural or political colonialism impossible. That’s why Theravāda Buddhism is such a lame duck. It can only be powerful if people are genuinely getting benefits from the system. For a long time, people have not. But better to be a sick man who reports his symptoms. He’s the one who’s got a chance of finding decent medicine.
Curiously, part of Luther’s rebellion, and Reformation more broadly, was due to what was going on inside some of the monasteries, which was in some sense an early version of capitalism. The story of modern Europe seems to be the constant need to throw off some form of centralising power.