The Coronapocalypse Part 7: There’s nothing novel under the sun

One of the noteworthy things about the corona event is how many members of the general public thought the science is ‘on their side’ as if there was a scientific consensus that they were following while their opponents, who were by definition ‘unscientific’, were merely parroting superstition and nonsense. This betrays a lack of understanding about what actual science is. Not having a consensus is the norm in science but it seems most people nowadays treat ‘science’ like some big monolith from which truth emanates. That is certainly the way science is taught in school where the emphasis is on learning what has already been ‘proven’ over long periods of time rather than experiencing the ambiguity and uncertainty that characterises live science. Sad to say, in our society, science has in many ways simply replaced religion as a form of dogma. During the corona event, there have been people referencing ‘science’ in exactly the same way that people would once have pulled a passage out of the Bible to try and win an argument.

I showed in part 5 of this series how little ‘science’ had to do with the actions of the WHO and other players at the start of the corona event. In this post, I want to take a look at the public’s perception of the science as communicated to them through the media. There are numerous, in fact too many, ways to investigate this so we are going to focus on just one: the idea that the virus was ‘novel’ or ‘new’.

As this distinction is primarily a linguistic one, we’ll use a little linguistic theory to help elucidate what happened. To start with, let’s recognise that there’s a distinction between what you can call folk language or natural language and scientific language.

Natural human language is vague and context based. This flexibility is beneficial in everyday life but a hindrance in science where logic and rigor are required. Thus, scientific language tries to remove ambiguity. Words are given fixed meanings and a big part of learning to become a scientist is to learn to use those specific meanings so that disagreements don’t end up becoming endless arguments over semantics.

Because of this difference, the two types of language – folk language and scientific language – actually need to be translated in order to be understandable. The problem is that scientific language uses the same words as natural language and this can lead a speaker of the language to assume they have understood something when in fact they haven’t. Scientific language is a lot more like reading Shakespeare: you recognise the words but the meanings that you assign to them are not necessarily the same ones that people used in Shakespeare’s day.

If you want to understand science as a lay person, you must spend the time really understanding the specific meaning that a scientist is giving to a word. Conversely, as a scientist speaking to a lay person, you must be sure to translate the scientific meaning of into unambiguous everyday language. Of course, translation is a separate skill from doing science and there is no guarantee that a scientist will be good at it.

I’ll take this opportunity to yet again reference Richard Feynman who stated that a scientist should be able to explain their work to a ten year old and, if they couldn’t, it meant that they themselves didn’t understand it. Thus, it should arguably be part of the scientific profession for scientists to regularly explain their work directly to the public as this would be beneficial to both.

Of course, that doesn’t happen. What happens is that the media steps in and ostensibly fills the role of translating science into a form the public can understand. But, as we will see, they failed to do this during the corona event.

A useful way to examine the specifics of that failure is to introduce another concept that’s well known in linguistics: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis simply states that languages influences thought. The different languages of the world encode different bits of information about the world and therefore in order to speak those languages you will be predisposed to pay attention to whatever information the language requires you to express. Most people have heard about the Eskimos and all their words for snow but there are all kinds of other nuances built deep into the grammar of languages that can theoretically bias thought.

An example of this is that in many Australian Aboriginal languages there are particles to express coordinate directions. Thus, you wouldn’t say “the fork is to the left of the spoon”. You would have to say “the fork is east of the spoon”, or west of the spoon or whichever direction it happened to be. Because the language requires the speaker to encode cardinal directions, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis predicts that speakers of those languages should be better able to identify cardinal directions than speakers of other languages. Cognitive linguists set up a range of experiments to test this and those tests provide evidence that it is true: speakers of Australian Aboriginal languages are more likely to know which way is north, south, east or west at any given time than speakers of other languages.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis was also once used in a court case and it is this example that is most relevant to the corona event because it nicely highlights the difference between folk language and scientific language.

The court case was about a factory worker in the US who had taken a cigarette break in the side yard at the company where he worked. In the yard there were a number of 44-gallon drums that had been marked ‘empty’, which was the signal for them to be collected by the trucking company. Having finished his smoke, the worker thought to make use of one of the drums as a rubbish bin but neglected to extinguish the cigarette before doing so, with explosive results.

The case went to court. The company was charged with negligence on the basis that the sign ‘empty’ was misleading. The lawyers for the man argued that the sign had the connotation of being ‘inert’ or ‘safe’ and that the company was responsible for what had happened because the label they had put on the drum was untrue: the drums were not empty, they were full of explosive gas.

The man’s lawyers won the case.

This might sound spurious and an example of where some clever lawyers tricked the jury on a technicality. But let’s think about it from a scientific point of view. Scientifically speaking, a 44-gallon drum is never ‘empty’. There is a concept in physics of a perfect vacuum but that doesn’t exist in reality. There is, in fact, no actual way to make a drum properly ‘empty’ or ‘vacant’ or ‘void’.

In the case of the worker, the normal contents of the 44-gallon drum were paint thinners and even though the liquid version of the paint thinners had been removed there were still technically paint thinners in the drum, they were just in gaseous form. As the gaseous form of paint thinners is as explosive as the liquid, the company was ruled to be negligent to have labelled the bin ‘empty’.

It turns out that ‘empty’ is a strange kind of word that really doesn’t mean much in physics but we use it all the time in everyday language. In order to understand the meaning of the word ‘empty’ in this specific case we need to understand that natural human language has a number of ground rules that are assumed in interactions. These are not captured in the semantics of the words themselves but they play an important role in the construction of meaning. They are sometimes called implicatures because they are implied by what is said or not said.

Without going into the theoretical details, let’s just say that there is an implied meaning in the phrase ‘the drum is empty’ and that meaning is as follows:

 ‘The drum is empty [of its usual substance]’.

These kinds of implied meanings happen all the time in our use of language. If I say ‘the fridge is empty’ you assume it is empty of food because food is what is normally stored in a fridge (unless it’s a beer fridge). Another way to say the same thing is ‘there is no food in the fridge’ and that statement is also true. However, you can’t translate ‘the drum is empty’ into ‘there are no paint thinners in the drum’. The second statement is not true. A true statement would be something like ‘there are no paint thinners in liquid form in the drum’.

So, this is not a legal technicality and it certainly wasn’t a technicality for the worker who had thrown his cigarette into that drum. Words matter and it’s often the simplest of words that can trip you up. That is why science spends so much time and effort to fix the meanings of words and ensure there are no implicatures used. In scientific language, we deliberately remove ambiguity so we don’t fall into just the kinds of traps that the worker fell into (this helps us to achieve Feynman’s first principle as outlined in part 5: don’t fool yourself).

Translating science into everyday language is hard and to do it properly often requires just the kind of seemingly long-winded explications that we have just seen. Scientists who speak to the public might try to avoid this so they don’t appear boring or patronising and in fact this was a pattern I saw a lot during the corona event: scientists would often qualify their statements with the phrase we don’t really know.

Here’s just a few examples I saw of this pattern.

There was the case in Canada where somebody got a false positive test. A news report featured a public health bureaucrat who reassured the public that all was well and the tests were trustworthy. Buried down in the second last paragraph of the article, the bureaucrat admitted that she didn’t really know how many false positives or false negatives there were, but that she ‘expected’ the rates were very low.

On a virological podcast, the special guest virologist was firstly asked to explain how we know that the coronavirus came from bats. She prefaced her answer by saying that we don’t really know and that, unfortunately, the phrase we don’t really know was probably going to be true of every answer she gave that evening. Everybody laughed then she preceded to explain what’s become the accepted story about where the coronavirus came from; the one that she didn’t really know was true.

A favourite example of mine was an Australian academic who was asked on tv how accurate the PCR tests were. He admitted that we don’t really know because there is no gold standard test for sars-cov-2 but he expected it was about 70% accurate. The host simply continued on with the program as if that was a perfectly acceptable answer.

The phrase we don’t really know is highly ambiguous. It could mean we have no idea, but here’s a blind guess. It could mean you’re 50% sure or it could mean you’re 99% sure and you’re just being a good scientist and acknowledging that science proves nothing. When used in the examples above, there is an implied meaning in this phrase:-

We don’t really know [but it doesn’t matter]

If I tell you my house is on fire but give no more context, you’ll probably ask me about it because it seems like it should matter that my house is on fire. Houses being on fire is normally a problem in everyday life. But if I tell you we don’t know how accurate the PCR test is, as a lay person you don’t know if that matters because you’ve never done a PCR test before and in fact have no idea how they work. You don’t have the context to understand so you assume that it must be ok. The experts know what they are doing. Unfortunately, in the case of the corona event, this little phrase we don’t really know led to the avoidance of all the interesting and ambiguous science and gave the public an incorrect understanding of that science. What I would have given to hear the journalist just once ask the question: why don’t we really know?

Let’s now turn to the question of the virus coming from bats and let’s look at another pattern I have seen a lot throughout the corona event. In this pattern, a media article’s headline and main argument is contradicted by the contents of the same article. I have seen this a surprising number of times recently but we’ll look at just two articles both of which deal with the notion that sars-cov-2 came from bats.

The first article is from NPR.

The headline reads “Where did this coronavirus originate? Virus hunters find genetic clues in bats” and in the third paragraph we see the claim “Scientific evidence overwhelmingly points to wildlife, and to bats as the most likely origin.”

Of course, this ‘overwhelming evidence’, like so much of the evidence used in the corona event, is genetic analysis. In this case, the key word is ‘origin’ which means something like genetic predecessor. Using techniques of genetic analysis, scientists now believe that the origin of homo sapiens is in a species called homo antecessor. But homo antecessor hasn’t existed for 800,000 years. So, that word ‘origin’ when used in genetic analysis can mean a very long time. The fact that sars-cov-2 originated in a bat virus says nothing necessarily about its ‘newness’. The story told to the public is that the virus jumped from bats in Wuhan, but the genetic analysis cannot tell us that this is what actually happened. In fact, the genetic analysis has a problem because sars-cov-2 is 96% genetically similar to the bat virus and it turns out this probably equates to quite a long time in terms of evolution.

The NPR article includes quotes from a microbiologist pointing out this exact fact: “But that 4% difference [between sars-cov-2 and its bat relative] is actually a pretty wide distance in evolutionary time. It could even be decades.”

Huh? Decades? But weren’t we told that virus jumped from bats in Wuhan?

The microbiologist goes on to claim that there were probably intermediate hosts and that the most likely animal from which the virus jumped was actually pangolins. That’s strange. Why didn’t the article mention pangolins in its title if that was the most likely explanation? We’ll find out shortly.

The article also contains the following statement: “The 2003 outbreak of SARS was eventually traced to horseshoe bats in a cave in the Yunnan province of China, confirmed by a 2017 paper published in the journal Nature.”

This is a stronger claim. They say it was ‘confirmed’. That sounds like there is solid evidence. Let’s have a look at that 2017 paper.

The headline is “Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus”. The first line of the article refers to a “smoking gun”. Again, the framing of the entire article gives the reader the impression of solid scientific evidence.

But then things start to sound less certain: “virologists have identified a single population of horseshoe bats that harbours virus strains with all the genetic building blocks of the one that jumped to humans in 2002, killing almost 800 people around the world.”

Huh? What exactly are genetic building blocks? You mean genes?

Then we get this phrase: “The killer strain could easily have arisen from such a bat population…” 

That doesn’t sound like a confirmation to me. That sounds like speculation. Yes, it could have happened. But where is the evidence that it did happen?

“They sequenced the genomes of 15 viral strains from the bats and found that, taken together, the strains contain all the genetic pieces that make up the human version. Although no single bat had the exact strain of SARS coronavirus that is found in humans, the analysis showed that the strains mix often. The human strain could have emerged from such mixing…”

So, if you rearranged the genome from fifteen different bat viruses you could get the original SARS virus. That’s not a smoking gun. That’s a trial where the judge throws the case out and the lawyers get disbarred for wasting the court’s time. (Apparently it took the scientists in question five years scrounging around in bat caves to get that finding so I salute their determination if nothing else).

In one final irony the article features a quote from another virologist commenting on the research done by the others and for the first time we get a wonderful glimpse of real science at work: disagreement.

“But Changchun Tu, a virologist who directs the OIE Reference Laboratory for Rabies in Changchun, China, says the results are only “99%” persuasive. He would like to see scientists demonstrate in the lab that the human SARS strain can jump from bats to another animal, such as a civet. “If this could have been done, the evidence would be perfect,” he says.”

In other words, can we please get some real empirical evidence rather than speculation based on genome analysis. Interestingly, Tu’s suggestion is a variation on Koch’s postulates except in this case you are trying to infect an animal with a virus from another species.

So, there was no smoking gun. The case hadn’t been solved. Nothing had been confirmed. Why were the journalists so eager to put the bat spin on the story?

Towards the end of the NPR article we are introduced to Peter Daszak, President of the U.S.-based Ecohealth Alliance. Ecohealth Alliance is a non-profit organisation that aims to “improve planetary health for the public good by uniquely integrating health research and conservation”. The NPR article just happens to contain a link to research that was funded by the Ecohealth Alliance. That research aims to show that the viruses in bats could infect humans.  It apparently does so by modifying bat viruses in the lab and then seeing if the modified virus can infect human cells. Why is an environmental not-for-profit funding virological research? Apparently it’s to justify their conservation efforts. In Daszak’s words:

“We don’t need to get rid of bats. We don’t need to do anything with bats. We’ve just got to leave them alone. Let them get on, doing the good they do, flitting around at night and we will not catch their viruses,” Daszak said.”

So, it seems the NPR bat story was promoted by an environmental not-for-profit trying to get humans to leave bats and other wildlife alone. Just when you thought the corona event couldn’t get any weirder! Apparently wildlife activists are doing virology these days. A far cry from the hippies of old.

According to Ecohealth Alliance’s website, their “budget has has grown exponentially and, in turn, so too has our staff and our scientific and media outreach”. Media outreach? So, that’s the reason why the NPR journalist had to bend over backwards to put the bat spin on the story.

With media coverage like this, what chance did the public have of understanding the corona event?

Of course, the bat story was the one that caught the public imagination and if there’s one lesson of the modern world it’s that once something has become an internet meme, the PR battle is over.

So, in the mind of the public, the virus had come from bats, it was brand new to humans and therefore super dangerous. But let’s take a big step back and have one final look at the science.

Buried in that NPR article was a crucial piece of information that had been given by a scientist but ignored by the reporter who was too busy trying to focus on bats.  That crucial piece of information is at the centre of the issue because it deals directly with whether the virus was ‘new’.

Recall that the Chinese researchers ran the genetic identity of the ‘new’ virus against known viruses and the closest match was this bat virus which is 96% similar. The microbiologist in the NPR article stated that this 4% probably equates to decades in evolutionary time (other have speculated between 20-50 years). In other words, the closest match we have to sars-cov-2 is decades old. Of all the viruses that humans have identified, the nearest one to sars-cov-2 diverged decades ago. This gives us some insight into a point I made in post 5: we really don’t know much about viruses. If the closest match we have is decades old, then there must be heaps of viruses that we have not yet identified. Which is not surprising because apparently the research funding is given to virologists to hunt around in bat caves rather than testing the general public (although perhaps that’s a very good thing and maybe we should send more virologists to the caves).

Others have realised this problem with the 4% difference. Here is an example of an attempt to save the bat hypothesis by a story of how the bat virus jumped to miners eight years ago and was then transported to the viral lab in Wuhan. It just happened to leak out late last year and cause the pandemic. It’s a nice story, to be sure. It could have happened but, let’s face it, we don’t really know.

There is another hypothesis that is much simpler and doesn’t require bats or pangolins or murky goings-on in viral labs: sars-cov-2 (or some variation of it) was already in circulation and has been for years.

According to this hypothesis, all that happened in Wuhan was that we identified an existing coronavirus. The virus has been in circulation for years, perhaps decades and the Chinese CDC in Wuhan just happened to discover it while investigating some pneumonia cases. Virologists ran off and made a test for it, public health officials put the test into action and ‘infections’ started popping up everywhere. It looked new, but really it had been around for a long time. Just another one of the respiratory viruses that we know exist but we have not yet identified.

There is no evidence that I know of that disproves this (in theory antibody tests could do so but they seem even less reliable than the PCR tests). But there is a very good reason that nobody wants to talk about it because this hypothesis is political and psychological dynamite. It would mean admitting that we lost our heads and panicked for no reason.

Of course, we don’t really know. And we never will know because these hypotheses are untestable. All we can do is speculate.

It is tempting to blame the media for the misleading coverage of the corona event. Certainly articles like the one in NPR should be condemned as obvious fake news. But on the whole I think both the media and the scientists tried to do their best. The simple fact is that the corona event represents a level of complexity that simply can’t be dealt with in single articles or single programs on television. That’s true just of the science behind it but once you factor in the public health response, the politics, the fear among the public, the statistics and everything else we simply never had a chance of making sense of it. We have made our world too complex to deal with and that complexity itself became the danger with the corona event. The authoritarian measures taken by politicians were a way to simplify things back to what we can make sense of. Close the borders. Stop all travel. Stop a large part of commerce. Stop everything because we don’t really know what we’re doing.

The Coronapocalypse Part 6: The Economics of Pandemic

In the years leading up to the corona event there were a number of developments that were happening in my home town of Melbourne, Australia that I had been watching with a combination of interest and consternation. Most social change is very slow and therefore happens quite invisibly. But things were changing so quickly in Melbourne that the effects of that change were very noticeable and they were having a direct impact on my life and the lives of others. The official public position was that everything was going great. The economy was booming and Australia was considered some kind of economic wunderkind.  We hadn’t had a recession in decades. From my position on the ground, that position didn’t add up. Many of these changes had a self-evidently detrimental impact on quality of life for citizens on the ground.

Firstly, public transport had become intolerable. (Overseas readers, especially those in the US, should note that in Australian capital cities it is normal for most people to take public transport and in particular the salary class uses public transport to get to work as most salary class jobs are in the CBD). People would show up to work complaining about how they had to wait three trains before they could even get on and if you managed to get on you were crammed in like a sardine.

Traffic had become so bad that the time it took to drive some place had in some cases doubled or even tripled. My father told of how his drive to work, which would have taken twenty minutes on an uncongested road, would usually take over an hour. That’s an extra hour and half every day of the week sitting in a car. I didn’t drive a lot but whenever I had to drive anywhere during business hours I was stunned how bad the traffic was and wondered how anybody, in particular tradesmen and other people who made their living driving around, put up with it.

The last refuge, the one good way to get around Melbourne, was cycling. As an enthusiastic bike rider, I had always made use of this form of transport whenever possible. But in the Melbourne CBD the footpaths had become so full that people were walking on the road. As the cycling path is right next to the footpath, this meant that the bike lanes were now full of pedestrians. Although I try to be polite when on my bike, many Melbourne bike riders are notoriously rude and I saw many incidents of cyclists screaming at pedestrians to get out of their way.

This was the general background of what happening in Melbourne. The population was growing at a furious rate and the media crowed about how we were going to soon be ‘bigger than Sydney’.

There was a more particular incident which sticks in my mind because it relates very directly to the corona event.

I got a new job in an office. I should say upfront that the quality of offices in Melbourne had long been a bugbear of mine. They are usually dingy and drab but, more importantly from a health point of view, the ventilation in them is awful. Usually the windows don’t even open and there is some antiquated HVAC system from the 1950s pumping god knows what through the vents. Even the newer offices featured HVAC systems designed for low energy usage rather than for effectiveness.

The office at my new job was a particularly poor example of the type of problem I’m talking about. Some split systems had been tacked onto to an old building. The windows in the place did open, but apparently I was the only one who wanted them open. After a few instances of me opening a window only to have it closed again shortly after, I gave up. People didn’t seem to like fresh air. Maybe it reminded them that there was a big beautiful world outside and they were stuck in an office.

Winter rolled around and, inevitably, people started to get sick. Now, bear in mind that in Australian culture prior to the corona event, you only stayed home from work if you were really sick and couldn’t work or if you were pretending to be sick and were really going to the beach. If you had a cough and a sneeze, it was expected that you would come to the office and nobody had the slightest problem with it.

At one point in mid-winter, the office resembled a hospital ward. I counted how many people were coughing and sneezing. It was about 80% of the office. Not just cough here and a sneeze there. All day long. Finally, I too succumbed and had to spend three days in bed with a fever.

A respiratory virus had infected everybody in that office. You didn’t need any advanced laboratory tests to prove it. It was plain to the naked eye. But here’s the thing: nobody cared. There were a couple of comments about the “bad flu year” and people just got on with their lives.

Why did the illness spread so easily in that office? Well, for one it was overcrowded. The company had grown strongly and there had been a lot of rearranging of furniture to fit as many people as possible in. There was no proper ventilation. Partly because people didn’t want to open the windows and partly because the HVAC system (if such a name could be given it) had simply never been designed with health effects in mind. And, of course, everybody in the office travelled to work on overcrowded public transport meaning all manner of potential germs were tracked into an office where they had the perfect incubator-like environment.

Note that nobody in the office at that time paid any of this the slightest bit of attention. The only reason I had a problem with it is partly because I learned about ventilation and its effects on health when I was doing a house renovation once upon a time and also because in this case I spent three days in bed and was 99% sure it was because of my work environment. So, I was a little annoyed.

It seemed to me quite obvious that this was an example of another case of inflation. Good quality HVAC systems cost money. Renting office space costs money. I don’t blame the people in charge because our culture prior to the corona event simply paid no attention to these kinds of things. But it was also a very obvious example of cost cutting at the expense of employee welfare.

There’s another more blatant example of cost cutting at the expense of employee welfare which became popular in large corporates in the last decade or so: the hot desk movement. For those who haven’t been exposed to his innovation, it means you don’t have your own desk. Each day you show up for work, collect your things from a locker and try to find somewhere to sit. Supposedly it was all about encouraging employee communication. In reality, it is simply a measure aimed to prop up the bottom line. It’s about cramming more people into the same floor space. The official justifications didn’t try and hide this fact. We were told how, given you have X% of people either sick or on leave on any given day, there was ‘wasted’ floor space that didn’t get used. Why not turn that wasted floor space into money for the company?

Hot desking is inconvenient for employees. In the best case scenario, it means you had to haul your stuff to a locker twice a day. In the more dysfunctional organisations, it often meant you simply couldn’t get a place to sit. I recall one company where there was a constant battle to try and find somewhere for team members to sit. Literally hours a week were wasted on this activity.

In economic jargon, the costs were being externalised and they were being externalised onto us.

This externalisation of costs is exactly what has happened in the last two decades in society as a whole. Those trends that I mentioned above are just extra cost which is another way to say hidden inflation. Once upon a time, you could pay for a train ticket and get a seat. Then you couldn’t get a seat and had to stand. Then you had to stand crowded in with other people. Then you could barely get on. Finally, you couldn’t even get on. Each step along that path is inflation but it’s not the kind of inflation that gets counted in the official statistics. The official statistics also don’t count the amount of time you have to spend in your car to get from A to B or the fact that your bike ride now involves trying not to run over pedestrians or the fact that ventilation system where you work is nothing more than a glorified germ dispersion unit.

In the last two decades, all of this hidden inflation was going on alongside very obvious forms of inflation. The real estate boom saw an absurd increase in prices alongside subdivision of land. You could now buy half as much land for five times the price. Nevertheless, people convinced themselves that this was good and that they were now richer.

With the corona event, all this invisible inflation has come to the fore in the most spectacular fashion. Overcrowding, high density accommodation, tourism, the immigration-higher education-real estate bubble that has propped up the Australian economy for decades, cheap buildings and offices, just in time logistics, high debt levels etc. Arguably, the fact that we spend so much on health care is also indicative of a problem. Why is it that in rich countries we have so many people with chronic illness? Could it be that all that money we pay for ‘health’ doesn’t actually give us value for money?

I have stated in previous posts that I consider the corona event to be a false alarm not predicated on science. But now that it has happened, the general public is viewing their lives and their lifestyles through the prism of pandemic. When viewed in such a way, it turns out that almost everything that has been source of hidden inflation over the past decades has been shut down.

Tourism and immigration have stopped. Higher education (and all education for that matter) continues on but in a debased, online form. Nobody’s buying real estate. There’s no overcrowding on public transport anymore; nobody takes it. There’s no traffic anymore; nobody is driving. Nobody is going to the cheap, overcrowded offices with shoddy ventilation systems; they are staying at home. Nobody is even going to hospital or doctors any more. In many countries, medical workers were furloughed due to lack of work. Emergency departments were empty. Sometimes that led to real problems such as people avoiding treatment for what became terminal conditions. But clearly a lot of those hospital and doctor visits that happened in the past simply didn’t need to happen. People seem to get by without them now.

We’ve even had governments officially declaring which jobs are essential and which aren’t. This has given some people the hope that we are about to see a big re-evaluation of our economy. A sorting out of what is really of value and what is not. I’m not so sure.

The corona event is going to be blamed for whatever happens economically in the years ahead but actually it was the logical outcome of years of deliberate economic policy. The things described above were no accident. They were part of the deliberate of the policy of globalisation. All that hidden inflation in Australia was caused by globalisation because a core tenet of globalisation is the free movement of people and it was the increase in population which caused all that inflation. That’s why you couldn’t get on a train. That’s why you couldn’t walk on the footpath. That’s why there were so many people in the office.

The free movement of people is a core part of the doctrine of globalisation but, as it turns out, the free movement of people is also the free movement of communicable disease. I’m going to go into what I call “the morality of the germ theory of disease” in a separate post. But the germ theory of disease makes us think that the germs are out there and if we can eliminate them we can solve our problem. In actual fact, the germs are in us. We are made up of germs. We are ecosystems of germs many of which we rely on in order to survive. No surprise then that almost every measure to ‘combat the germs’ is a measure that requires a change in our behaviour: wash your hands, cover your mouth, stay at home.

Everybody now knows how personal behaviour apparently prevents viral disease but how many have reflected on their behaviour in the last two decades and how it may or may not have contributed to said illness? In the last two decades, we travelled all around the world, exposing our body to new germs everywhere we went and bringing our own germs to new people and locations. We crammed onto public transport. We went to work while sick. People actually went on cruise ships. Tell that to your grandchildren because the cruise ship industry may be one that doesn’t survive for posterity. As my story above demonstrates, nobody gave any of this a second thought. All this behaviour which would now be considered risky at best and murderous at worst (yes, I have seen videos of people accusing others of murder) was apparently no problem prior to corona.

And that makes sense. For all this movement of people, I haven’t seen my general health deteriorate or the health of others I know. I haven’t gotten sick any more than usual. I too have travelled to the other side of the world and never had a problem (except for that one time in India, but I don’t talk about that).

Whatever the actual health effects, the more interesting thing right now is that the policy of globalisation seems to have run face first into what would seem to be a brick wall of insurmountable proportions. In the mind’s of the public, the free movement of people is now the same thing as a public health catastrophe. And yet the debate hasn’t borne that out. In fact, we have already seen the first scramblings to try and put humpty dumpty back together. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men seemed to have been waiting for just this exact thing to happen.

The same people that brought us globalisation also believe that there is an increased health risk from all this movement of people (it’s not clear to me that this is true but a simplistic interpretation of the germ theory of disease does predict it). That’s why those people set up the early warning signal that has triggered the corona event. That’s why they also did us all the favour of constructing the solution in advance. It’s called suppress and vaccinate. Right now we are in the suppress phase. The movement has been restricted and masks put on citizen’s faces. We are currently waiting for a vaccine at which point our lives can go ‘back to normal’.

I am not going to talk about this strategy from a medical or scientific point of view. I will simply point out that from an economic point of view it represents exactly the same kind of inflation I have been talking about in this post. The people that bought us the inflation of that last twenty or thirty years now want to give us more.

Even assuming it were true that masks ‘work’, the wearing of a mask is the most obvious kind of inflation. Despite desperate attempts by some people to convince themselves otherwise, wearing a mask sucks. It is uncomfortable and unpleasant in the most basic physiological sense let alone the psychological, political and symbolic elements to it. To have to wear a mask is the exact same kind of inflation as cramming onto public transport or having to sit in your car an extra five hours a week.  But we put up with the cramming onto public transport for the last ten years. We put up with not being able to walk on the footpath. We put with the endless traffic jams. We have been conditioned over the last two decades to accept just this kind of inflation. Only it wasn’t called inflation. Just like the marketers tried to convince office workers that hot desking was all about ‘enhancing communication’, the globalists have tried to pretend that this inflation was ‘growth’ and ‘progress’. This is the same trick that is being pulled now. That’s what’s behind the phrase ‘the new normal’.

Logically, this new normal shouldn’t even get to the starting gate. What is being promised is all the problems that were there before only now you get masks and vaccines on top of it. You’ll still have your miserable commute and now you get to wear a mask too. We won’t do anything to solve the underlying spread of communicable disease, we’ll just create vaccines faster. Of course, the new normal also promises to solve some of those old problems. We’ll get around the overcrowded trains and the crappy offices by letting office workers work from home. That will also save us a lot of petrol cos people won’t need to drive. That will help the environment. And so on and so forth. But really, it’s all just inflation dressed up as progress.

When it became clear that western governments were going to lockdown, I admit I was stunned. I didn’t think it could happen. It went against everything I thought our societies stood for. Since it has happened, it has further baffled me how many people seem to think it’s perfectly natural. As if a thing that had never been discussed before and certainly never presented to the electorate during normal politics, a thing that nobody even knew was possible at the start of the year, was logical and rational.

Now I realise it’s in many ways the continuation of trends that have been building for a long time. One of those trends is this hidden inflation. Not really hidden, of course: deliberately removed. Airbrushed from the record books and given the names ‘growth’ and ‘progress’.  ‘The new normal’ is the slogan of progress. Everything is fine. Everything is just as planned. Carry on and wear your mask.

As to what happens now, that’s anybody’s guess. I admit things don’t look good from where I sit. However, it is best to bear in mind that the people pushing the ‘new normal’, the people running the suppress and vaccinate strategy, had a head start. They were prepared for exactly what has happened.

In theory, there should now be a big pushback. The economic consequences are going to be so obvious that no amount of spin will be able to cover up for them. All of that inflation now has to be counted. It’s not hidden anymore. Those who want to protect the status quo are going to blame the virus and offer us masks and vaccines in exchange for our old lives back (‘the new normal’). Will there be a new political movement that offers an alternative? There certainly should be. There are plenty of alternatives to the one being offered and if I’m reading things right there are going to be a lot of people willing to listen once the smoke clears.

All posts in this series:-

The Coronapocalypse Part 0: Why you shouldn’t listen to a word I say (maybe)

The Coronapocalypse Part 1: The Madness of Crowds in the Age of the Internet

The Coronapocalypse Part 2: An Epidemic of Testing

The Coronapocalypse Part 3: The Panic Principle

The Coronapocalypse Part 4: The Denial of Death

The Coronapocalypse Part 5: Cargo Cult Science

The Coronapocalypse Part 6: The Economics of Pandemic

The Coronapocalypse Part 7: There’s Nothing Novel under the Sun

The Coronapocalypse Part 8: Germ Theory and Its Discontents

The Coronapocalypse Part 9: Heroism in the Time of Corona

The Coronapocalypse Part 10: The Story of Pandemic

The Coronapocalypse Part 11: Beyond Heroic Materialism

The Coronapocalypse Part 12: The End of the Story (or is it?)

The Coronapocalypse Part 13: The Book

The Coronapocalypse Part 14: Automation Ideology

The Coronapocalypse Part 15: The True Believers

The Coronapocalypse Part 16: Dude, where’s my economy?

The Coronapocalypse Part 17: Dropping the c-word (conspiracy)

The Coronapocalypse Part 18: Effects and Side Effects

The Coronapocalypse Part 19: Government and Mass Hysteria

The Coronapocalypse Part 20: The Neverending Story

The Coronapocalypse Part 21: Kafkaesque Much?

The Coronapocalypse Part 22: The Trauma of Bullshit Jobs

The Coronapocalypse Part 23: Acts of Nature

The Coronapocalypse Part 24: The Dangers of Prediction

The Coronapocalypse Part 25: It’s just semantics, mate

The Coronapocalypse Part 26: The Devouring Mother

The Coronapocalypse Part 27: Munchausen by Proxy

The Coronapocalypse Part 28: The Archetypal Mask

The Coronapocalypse Part 29: A Philosophical Interlude

The Coronapocalypse Part 30: The Rebellious Children

The Coronapocalypse Part 31: How Dare You!

The Coronapocalypse Part 32: Book Announcement

The Coronapocalypse Part 33: Everything free except freedom

The Coronapocalypse Part 34: Into the Twilight Zone

The Coronapocalypse Part 35: The Land of the Unfree and the Home of the Safe

The Coronapocalypse Part 36: The Devouring Mother Book Now Available

The Coronapocalypse Part 37: Finale

The Coronapocalypse Part 0: Why you shouldn’t listen to a word I say (maybe)

The reader should know upfront that I am completely unqualified to speak about pretty much every topic in this series. I am not a virologist, an epidemiologist, an infectious disease specialist, a biologist, a microbiologist, an immunologist, a mathematician, a statistician, a mathematical epidemiologist, an epidemiological mathematician, a doctor, a nurse, a nurse’s aide, a public health bureaucrat, an academic, an economist, a risk analyst, a politician, a journalist, a soldier, a policeman, a pundit, a podcaster, an op-ed writer, a thought leader, a content creator, an advertising executive, a marketing expert, a public relations specialist, a funeral director, a grief counsellor, a psychotherapist, a priest, a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker.

There is an idea that is very fashionable these days that only experts may talk about things. One of the most poignant examples of that attitude I have seen was a video where one of my scientific heroes, Kary Mullis, was addressing an audience at a university in the USA. Mullis, a classic iconoclast in the Feynman tradition, inevitably spoke some dissenting opinions about some topic or other. A man arose from the audience during question time and, rather than disagree about the content of what Mullis had said, simply told him he was not qualified to speak. He was not an expert in that field and shouldn’t be talking about it. Mullis put the man in his place but it was quite clear that many others in the audience agreed with the man. For a second it seemed that a mob might form against a Nobel Prize winner for science for talking about, well, science.

Let me reiterate: I am not qualified and I am not a Nobel Prize winner. If you think these things disqualify me from speaking, you may as well stop reading right now.

That a blind faith in the experts is a big part of what caused the corona event is a central thesis of this series of posts. In my opinion, we need a society of free citizens who are willing and able to question their leaders and the experts. I don’t believe that’s just a moral issue, I believe it’s a practical one. We need that kind of society so that we don’t make the mistakes that we have seen in 2020.

We need it because both science and democracy require it.

The drift towards blind faith in expertise and the problems that it brings has already been subject to cogent and powerful intellectual critique. It was at the heart of the cybernetics and systems thinking movements in the 20th century. One of the best books in that canon is Gerald Weinberg’s General Systems Thinking. It explains in detail the kinds of errors that experts get into and how to avoid them.

One of the main ways to avoid the errors of the expert is not to get bogged down in details. This doesn’t mean that drilling down into the minutiae isn’t necessary sometimes, just that you must always be able to come up for air and incorporate what you found into a bigger picture. Like a deep-sea diver, you have to keep a connection back to the surface lest you disappear forever into the depths.

Another way to avoid error in complex domains is to have as many different models as you can. When dealing with complexity, you simply cannot put all your eggs in one basket. It is better to know the basics in ten different domains that to know everything about one.

The systems thinking outlined by Weinberg set itself the seemingly modest task of avoiding error. Those looking for heroism and grandiose, world-changing schemes will not find much inspiration in it. But egotism has always been a hindrance when it to comes to science and to my mind one of the defining features of the corona event is hubris. Belief in experts seems to go hand-in-hand with believing that we know more than we really do.

If these ideas are new to you, I invite you to use this series of posts to judge their worth.

These posts are the work of a non-expert, an amateur, a systems thinker. They are written in the spirit of science as defined by Richard Feynman as “the belief in the ignorance of experts.” They contain no definitive answers but best guesses. I believe that in the real world, with all its irreducible complexity, that is all we can hope for. We must avoid large errors so that we can keep making our best guesses and through them to keep reaching forward into the unknown to see what we might find.

I hope you find something here. I guess that you will.

All posts in this series:-

The Coronapocalypse Part 0: Why you shouldn’t listen to a word I say (maybe)

The Coronapocalypse Part 1: The Madness of Crowds in the Age of the Internet

The Coronapocalypse Part 2: An Epidemic of Testing

The Coronapocalypse Part 3: The Panic Principle

The Coronapocalypse Part 4: The Denial of Death

The Coronapocalypse Part 5: Cargo Cult Science

The Coronapocalypse Part 6: The Economics of Pandemic

The Coronapocalypse Part 7: There’s Nothing Novel under the Sun

The Coronapocalypse Part 8: Germ Theory and Its Discontents

The Coronapocalypse Part 9: Heroism in the Time of Corona

The Coronapocalypse Part 10: The Story of Pandemic

The Coronapocalypse Part 11: Beyond Heroic Materialism

The Coronapocalypse Part 12: The End of the Story (or is it?)

The Coronapocalypse Part 13: The Book

The Coronapocalypse Part 14: Automation Ideology

The Coronapocalypse Part 15: The True Believers

The Coronapocalypse Part 16: Dude, where’s my economy?

The Coronapocalypse Part 17: Dropping the c-word (conspiracy)

The Coronapocalypse Part 18: Effects and Side Effects

The Coronapocalypse Part 19: Government and Mass Hysteria

The Coronapocalypse Part 20: The Neverending Story

The Coronapocalypse Part 21: Kafkaesque Much?

The Coronapocalypse Part 22: The Trauma of Bullshit Jobs

The Coronapocalypse Part 23: Acts of Nature

The Coronapocalypse Part 24: The Dangers of Prediction

The Coronapocalypse Part 25: It’s just semantics, mate

The Coronapocalypse Part 26: The Devouring Mother

The Coronapocalypse Part 27: Munchausen by Proxy

The Coronapocalypse Part 28: The Archetypal Mask

The Coronapocalypse Part 29: A Philosophical Interlude

The Coronapocalypse Part 30: The Rebellious Children

The Coronapocalypse Part 31: How Dare You!

The Coronapocalypse Part 32: Book Announcement

The Coronapocalypse Part 33: Everything free except freedom

The Coronapocalypse Part 34: Into the Twilight Zone

The Coronapocalypse Part 35: The Land of the Unfree and the Home of the Safe

The Coronapocalypse Part 36: The Devouring Mother Book Now Available

The Coronapocalypse Part 37: Finale

The Coronapocalypse Part 5: Cargo Cult Science

I have mentioned Richard Feynman several times already in this series of posts. I consider him to be the ideal of a scientist – iconoclastic, disagreeable, stubborn, determined, curious to a fault.

The last chapter of Feynman’s great book Surely you must be joking, Mr Feynman is titled Cargo Cult Science and in it Feynman outlines what it means to have what he calls scientific integrity.

Scientific integrity has nothing to do with qualifications and degrees and titles. It has the same relation to institutions that a religious spirit has to do with the church. That is to say, there is no necessary relation. In times when institutions fail, you are more likely to find scientific integrity outside of those institutions than inside them just as you were more likely to find the spirit of Christianity outside of the church at various times throughout its history.

What is scientific integrity according to Feynman?

  1. The first rule of Science Club is: you must not fool yourself. The second rule of Science Club is:…. (you know the drill). Although Feynman doesn’t say it in so many words, I think of this like a duty of care. Most of us have opinions and we throw them around without a second thought. But, if you’re doing science, it means you should have spent some time and energy trying to prove yourself wrong before you share something. It means saying something like: “I believe X is the case. What evidence is available to me to prove it? What evidence would I accept to disprove the statement? Have I even looked for that evidence or tried to produce it myself?”
  2. Having tried to prove yourself wrong, you should tell other people what you did and let them try and prove you wrong by reproducing your work
  3. In telling other people, you should also publish all the things that might be wrong with your idea including ambiguities, experiments that failed, facts that could disprove it or cast doubt on it. You shouldn’t just present the facts that back up your conclusion
  4. As a scientist talking to a layman, you should explain to the layman in terms they can understand
  5. When building on previous research, you must first reproduce that research. You must verify its truth yourself. You should not blindly trust other scientists
  6. You must know the limits of your test technique. You must know what your test can say about the world and what it cannot say. Therefore, you will know what you can say about the world and what you cannot say

Other things could be added to this list but I think it provides a nice framework by which to judge whether proper science is taking place.

In this post we are going to use these criteria to judge the science behind the corona event. In fact, we only need to look at the first few weeks to see that (real) science had almost nothing to do with it. Let’s begin.

31st December 2019: WHO office in China picks up info about an apparent cluster of ‘pneumonia of unknown origin cases’ in Wuhan

As part of infectious disease surveillance programs, the WHO and some other organisations listen in on media reports for anything that sounds like it could be a problem. While doing this surveillance, the WHO picked up a report by some local media in Wuhan. The information is sketchy. It seems rumours of SARS were spreading on social media but actual tangible medical information is lacking. The WHO asked Chinese authorities for more information on 1st January but, before even receiving that information, it issues health alerts that day and the next through its international networks.

Whatever this is, it is not science. The WHO apparently propagated a report from a local Wuhan news outlet and social media rumours without even waiting for authorities to confirm it.

Let’s review the facts as told in the official record. There was a cluster of people (about thirty) with “pneumonia or unknown origin”.

The questions to be asked are: is it unusual to have about thirty cases of pneumonia in China in the middle of winter in a city of 11 million people? And is it unusual to have cases of pneumonia where you don’t know what the cause is?

The answer to both these questions is: no.

It is absolutely not unusual to have lots of pneumonia cases in China and in particular in a big Chinese city where air pollution is very high and many people are lifetime smokers. It is also perfectly normal not to know what the cause of a pneumonia is.

The US CDC says: “…clinicians are not always able to find out which germ caused someone to get sick with pneumonia.”

The American Thoracic Society says: “Pneumonia can be caused by lots of different types of microbes, and no single one is responsible for as many as 10% of pneumonia cases. For most pneumonia patients, the microbe causing the infection is never identified.”

Depending on who you ask, it seems that we only know the real cause of a pneumonia in about 15% of cases.

So, what does “pneumonia of unknown origin” even mean? Why would something that seems to be a perfectly normal situation be cause for concern to the Chinese authorities and the WHO?

Turns out the phrase is specific to China and specific to a surveillance program that is run in China.

China implemented a special reporting system following the SARS episode in 2002 and the phrase “pneumonia of unknown origin” is part of that system. The purpose of the system was for doctors to report directly back to Beijing when something seemed wrong. The whole point of this system was to get around the local politics that go on in China and to give Beijing direct access to information on the ground. But the system didn’t work. Local bureaucrats still intervened and controlled the flow of information. In the case of the corona event, some whistle-blowers tried to go around local authorities in Wuhan. One doctor in particular became famous because he was arrested by police for messaging colleagues about what was happening. He died just a few weeks later. It was the actions of these whistle-blowers that caused the social media rumours and the media reports and presumably also got the China CDC involved.

So, we can see that neither the phrase “pneumonia of unknown origin” nor the number of cases on the ground in Wuhan had any scientific importance. What happened was that the WHO asked for clarification of a Chinese language media report that it had intercepted as part of its own surveillance program. In the meantime, the internal Chinese surveillance program had already been activated and the China CDC was on the ground in Wuhan.

Why hadn’t the China CDC notified the WHO directly? How many other times had the China CDC investigated such cases on the ground without the WHO finding out? How many other occasions have there been in China where local authorities prevented the registration of cases of ‘pneumonia of unknown origin’?

We will never know but bear in the mind that the whistle-blowers in this case were arrested by local authorities and forced to sign confessions. So, I think it’s pretty safe to say that there are lots of such events in China that never see the light of day. Let’s be clear about the situation from a scientific point of view.

All around the world every year most cases of pneumonia are of ‘unknown’ type simply because it’s too expensive to test every case. If even rich countries don’t test widely, you can imagine what happens in poorer countries.

We also know that any cold/flu virus can lead to pneumonia and that there are many cold and flu viruses that we simply don’t know about because nobody has bothered to come up with a test for them. Nobody has bothered because it doesn’t matter. The treatment you get is not based on the specific virus that causes the disease.

What happened in Wuhan has everything to do with internal Chinese politics. Corruption is endemic in China and the local population has about zero trust in the authorities there. This was especially true after the first SARS event where the government was seen to have blatantly covered things up. As a result, the average Chinese is already primed to be looking out for respiratory epidemics and assumes the government will try and cover any up. The authorities in Wuhan were seen to be covering up what could be the next SARS and rumours started flying in media and social media.  

So, right from the start we can see that it is not science driving this story but internal Chinese politics. For reasons unknown, the WHO propagated that politics. As a peak scientific body in the world, they were seen to be giving scientific credence to a story before they had any official response from the Chinese authorities. If the Chinese authorities had wanted to handle the situation in Wuhan quietly, the WHO had just made that ten times more difficult.

3rd January 2020: The genome of a “novel” coronavirus is sequenced. It is taken from a patient in Wuhan who had pneumonia. (Important: this news wasn’t officially announced until the 7th)

We have to be very clear what the word ‘novel’ means here. It simply means ‘previously unknown’. It means, no human has identified this virus.

But we can be even more specific because in this case the definition was a genomic analysis conducted according to rules set by The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). Thus, ‘novel’ means:

Calculated by mathematical analysis to be genetically dissimilar enough to known viral genomes to be considered a new type for taxonomic purposes.

Let’s put that into perspective. Let’s say there was an International Committee for the Taxonomy of Animals. That Committee decides to start using genomic analysis to define the names for animals. Enthusiastic scientists on The Committee put the genome analysis to work and realise there are actually two types of Siberian Tiger. They give them the names: Siberian Tiger 1 and Siberian Tiger 2.

That’s nice for the scientists but if we want to find out whether, for example, species 1 is more dangerous to humans than species 2, we can only prove that by studying the behaviour of members of the group Siberian Tiger 1 and Siberian Tiger 2. The genome analysis cannot tell us that. It can only help us to identify Tiger 1 and Tiger 2.

Same with viruses. The fact that a ‘novel’ virus has been identified by genome analysis doesn’t tell us anything about how dangerous it is. Of course, the virus has been implicated in some pneumonia cases but that’s what respiratory viruses do. It’s not surprising. If Siberian Tiger 1 attacked somebody while Siberian Tiger 2 didn’t, that doesn’t prove anything about whether the species Siberian Tiger 1 is intrinsically more dangerous than Siberian Tiger 2. You don’t extrapolate from an arbitrary sample. You run proper scientific experiments to prove that theory.

This method of classifying viruses by genetic information alone was introduced by the ICTV in 2012. It is controversial even within virology and many virologists have objected to the new system.

For our discussion, it’s enough to know that the ICTV uses familiar terms we all know from high school biology class eg. Family – Genus – Species.  At this point in our story, it was hypothesised that the virus was different enough to be called ‘new’. Later, on February 11, the ICTV would officially declare it to be a strain of the SARS-COV species of coronavirus giving the following taxonomy:

Family: coronavidae
Genus: betacoronavirus
Sub Genus: sarbecovirus
Species: SARS-COV
Strain: 1, 2

Where strain 1 relates to the SARS event from 2002 and strain 2 is the current corona event.

Because the ‘new’ virus was apparently 87.99% similar to a known bat coronavirus there was a further hypothesis constructed that the virus had somehow jumped across from bats. No attempts were made to prove this hypothesis and, in fact, it is not clear how it is even possible to begin to (empirically) prove it. Naturally, it was this story that made it into the media and has become part of the myth of corona.

Let’s be very clear about this from a scientific point of view. All that has happened by this stage in the corona event is that some scientists in China think they have found a virus that is different enough from known viruses to be taxonomically new. At this point there had been no official publication, no official scientific paper outlining their methods, no peer review to check those methods, no other scientists verifying the work, no official ruling from the ICTV that the virus is taxonomically new, no confirmation from the WHO that the disease was new, no proof and not even the attempt at proving that the virus in question causes illness or what specific sort of illness it causes, no empirical studies at all that this virus caused a unique or particularly deadly kind of illness.

Two days later, the WHO would issue a statement saying basically the same thing I have just said although in fewer words.

5th January 2020: the WHO issues a statement

“The symptoms reported among the patients are common to several respiratory diseases, and pneumonia is common in the winter season; however, the occurrence of 44 cases of pneumonia requiring hospitalization clustered in space and time should be handled prudently.”

It would have been nice if things were handled prudently. But prudence, and any semblance of scientific rigor, were about to get thrown out the window because…

1st-16th January 2020: the genome of the ‘novel’ virus is shared with researchers worldwide and PCR tests are created

The Chinese researchers had found a genome and mathematical analysis done on a computer told them it was ‘new’. On the basis of that result, they uploaded that genome to at least two international repositories. One of those repositories is called GISAID. GISAID’s mission in its own words is:

“…overcoming disincentive hurdles and restrictions, which discourage or prevented [sic] sharing of virological data prior to formal publication.”

“Prior to formal publication” means prior to even the first step in the peer review process so it seems the people who started GISAID were explicitly trying to bypass peer review. Sometimes restrictions and hurdles are there for a good reason. Sometimes it is good not share information when you haven’t spent the time to do basic checks of your own work. Like Chesterton’s Gate, if you don’t know the reason a scientific restriction is there, maybe you shouldn’t get rid of it (that’s a real application of The Precautionary Principle by the way). But getting rid of hurdles is apparently the whole point of GISAID.

We saw earlier that Feynman’s number one principle is: don’t fool yourself. In biological sciences all kinds of gates and hurdles and ‘restrictions’ have been put in place over decades for the primary purpose of ensuring that the scientist didn’t fool themselves. Among these are peer review, control tests, blind tests, placebo tests etc. These restrictions are built into science because they lead to good science. It’s no surprise that the corona event should explicitly feature the removal of such restrictions. (Of course, technically speaking, genome analysis is not empirical science, it is mathematics. But that’s a whole other discussion.)

With the genome data uploaded, virologists and other scientists around the world could now use it to do things like create PCR tests. That’s exactly what they did. The German virologist, Christian Drosten, was the first outside China to create such a test which he submitted to the WHO. The Chinese authorities were already using their own test kits early in January.

On the basis of the genomic information and the PCR test, authorities in Thailand and then Japan were able to test for and find ‘infections’ on 13th January and 15th January respectively. The Chinese government locked down Wuhan on 23rd January based on the results of the PCR tests. Other countries started testing and found ‘infections’. The rest, as they say, is history.

Health systems around the world started testing for ‘infections’ before the usual scientific process had got underway. There had been no formal publication showing the virus was the cause of the pneumonia in Wuhan. All they had at that point was correlation based off a very small sample. No peer review had been done and no experimental results had been published. Neither the WHO nor the ICTV had given official recognition to either the virus or the supposed disease.

I have said in earlier posts that the corona event was the ascendancy of the virologists and the public health bureaucrats at the expense of other actors. This is specifically what I mean. The genome and the PCR tests based on that genome were shared before there was any firm science on how dangerous the virus was.

Remember the first rule of Science Club: don’t fool yourself.

If you ramp up testing you are going to find ‘infections’ and it’s going to look for all the world like you have a problem. As a scientist, you must stop, take a deep breath and try and put things into perspective so you don’t fool yourself. But that didn’t happen. Public health bureaucrats started to find infections and they panicked. The Chinese government panicked so much they shut down an entire city of 11 million people.

Two months later at the end of March, when most countries in the west were already going into lockdown, a real scientific paper was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Buried in it is this warning:

“Care should be taken in interpreting the speed of growth in cases in January, given an increase in the availability and use of testing kits as time has progressed.”

In other words, the more you test, the more you will find. This warning about naïve testing has been repeated many times during the corona event. Let’s take a moment to understand it.

A Brief Interlude: the more you test the more you find

What that warning in the New England Journal of Medicine meant was: if you test more, you will find more cases.

The WHO have stated the same thing in relation to coronaviruses in general: “As surveillance improves more coronaviruses are likely to be identified.”

The reason many people misunderstand this idea is because they have an incorrect understanding of how much we know about viruses. So, let me repeat what I stated earlier:

We don’t know about most of the viruses that cause respiratory illness.

This is literally true. You can check the influenza surveillance program in your country to confirm it. In Australia, we mostly test for influenza but even when we test for other viruses the result comes back negative in the majority of cases. That is, if you show up to hospital with advanced flu symptoms, if they even bother to test you, the test will probably come back negative. That is the normal state of affairs. And that’s just for the infections that get to hospital. Countless more infections will never get tested because the people who have them are asymptomatic or only mildly ill.

We don’t know about most of these viruses because we simply haven’t had the technology to enable us to find them.

Think about it this way. Suppose there is an area of the night sky that nobody has ever looked at before. Maybe there is some religious prohibition about looking at that part of the night sky. We know there will be stars in that part of the night sky and we know that if we started looking we would find stars. If somebody broke the rule and looked and found a star it would be completely obvious and nothing to write home about. Maybe that person would name the star after themselves and we would think they were an egotistical jerk. Maybe they would win an award for finding the star and then everybody else who wants to win an award will start looking and soon we will have found heaps of ‘new stars’. The stars were always there, we just never looked for them before.

Let’s extend the analogy to include the invention of the telescope. With the telescope you can find new things in the sky. You can run new tests. It is fully to be expected that you are going to find new stuff.

This is the exact situation with respiratory viruses. In the last few decades we have built new technology to identify them better so we are going to find more of them. Lots more of them. Get ready because in the years ahead we are going to find lots of ‘new’ viruses.

This eagerness and this ability to find new viruses is behind not just the corona event but all the well known pandemics of the past twenty years.  I have already said in previous posts that it was the PCR test which drove the corona event, but more specifically it was the ability to identify the genome and test for it.

7th and 9th January 2020: “Chinese authorities” declare a “novel” coronavirus

On January 7, 2020, the China CDC released a statement declaring a novel coronavirus had been identified by genome analysis and was behind the pneumonia cases in Wuhan. I haven’t been able to find that document, presumably it is in Chinese. But two days later the WHO acknowledged it and went public with almost the same information.

The crucial information is in the first paragraph:

Chinese authorities have made a preliminary determination of a novel (or new) coronavirus, identified in a hospitalized person with pneumonia in Wuhan. Chinese investigators conducted gene sequencing of the virus, using an isolate from one positive patient sample.”

Do I even need to point out to the reader the problem from a scientific point of view? It’s right there in the phrase “using an isolate from one positive patient sample”. A single sample.

The WHO acknowledges the weakness of this by pointing out that it is a “preliminary determination” but the very fact that this official document was made public is already a tacit acknowledgement of truth. The world’s leading health body is now spreading the story about a “new” coronavirus. In the days that followed, the WHO stepped up its activities including a “meeting on the novel coronavirus outbreak”.

So, we went from a “preliminary determination” to a “novel coronavirus outbreak” within the space of twenty-four hours based on a single patient sample out of group of about thirty people with pneumonia in a large Chinese city in the middle of winter. All this based on a statement by Chinese “authorities”.

When one of the peak scientific bodies in the world speaks, people listen. Just two weeks later, on 23rd January 2020, a team of scientists publishing in a European journal on infectious disease referenced the WHO’s statement and wrote as follows:

“A novel coronavirus currently termed 2019-nCoV was officially announced as the causative agent by Chinese authorities on 7 January.”

Note the language here: “officially announced”? What does “officially announced” have to do with science? And who made the official announcement? Chinese “authorities”? Who are they? Where is their evidence? Where is the scientific paper where these authorities show their work?

And what about the term “causative agent”. That the supposed virus was the “causative agent” had NOT been proven. Nothing had been published to try and prove it. These scientists weren’t referring to actual research. They weren’t referring to a published paper in a scientific journal. They were referring to unknown “authorities”. This is cargo cult science on steroids. It is the opposite of science.

Once upon a time, the “authorities” said the world was flat. The “authorities” said the sun revolved around the earth. The “authorities” said we should burn witches at the stake. History is full of the “authorities” saying all kinds of things. A scientist must have proof. That is what it means to do science. If you don’t have proof, if you haven’t even seen the proof, you are not doing science. What’s more, if the proof has not been provided, it’s your job is to ask for the proof, not parrot the edicts of “authorities”.

The way science works is that, over time, one paper usually becomes the definitive paper that proved a hypothesis. That becomes the paper that everybody refers to when making a claim like such and such a thing was the “causative agent”. Until that happens, you would reference other papers that purport to prove it and you would say something like Smith et al (2020) claim that such and such a thing was the “causative agent” however Johnson et al (2020) called the claim into question. The phrase “officially announced” simply has nothing to do with science.

If even trained scientists were propagating the official announcement just two weeks later, if the WHO was already treating it as a done deal, is it any wonder the public had assumed the science was settled? In truth, the science had not even begun.

On February 11, the WHO officially announced(!) the new disease: “covid-19”. This disease was named according to the WHO’s “best practice” rules for naming which are as follows.

  • That is an infection, syndrome, or disease of humans;
  • That has never been recognized before in humans;
  • That has potential public health impact; and
  • Where no disease name is yet established in common usage

It is clear that principles two and four were not fulfilled in this case. Pneumonia and Influenza Like Illness have been recognised in humans before. They are literally two of the most common diseases that affect humans. We have names for them already. We already know that coronaviruses cause these diseases. In short, we didn’t need a new name.

No surprise then that months later doctors and clinicians couldn’t diagnose covid-19 as a specific disease. It is not a specific disease. Most viral disease isn’t. That’s why we have the vague name Influenza Like Illness with a grab bag of associated symptoms that try to cover the possible outcomes of a viral disease.

At this point we can end our review. I’m sure the reader has gotten the point. To give credit, there were many scientists who qualified their language and didn’t simply parrot the position of authorities and there were some scientists who actively spoke out about what was happening. But most just went along with it. I’m sure the scientists, like the rest of us, had no idea what was about to happen and so they kept their mouths shut. Science normally works slowly and speaking out, whether as an academic scientist or a scientist who works in a corporation or research lab, has consequences. Most of us are not free to speak out in our own line of work and scientists are no different.

Even Richard Feynman couldn’t have stopped what happened. From the first, it was not really a matter of science.

Postcript 1: The gold standard test

Everybody knows how you test whether a virus causes illness. It is part of our culture and it is captured in the phrase “to be a Guinea Pig”.

It is the same process stated by microbiologist Robert Koch and is known as Koch’s postulates.

You take a sample from an infected person. You grow the virus in the lab. You expose some animals, probably mice or Guinea Pigs, to the virus and study the response. When they get sick, you take a sample from the animal and confirm as best you can that the virus was what was causing the illness.

It appears nobody has ever run this test for sars-cov-2. I have looked and not found it. I have come across others who also looked and found nothing. I’m sure it is a difficult test to run especially now that viral research labs resemble military facilities in terms of security.

Koch’s postulates are the only test that conclusively proves that a virus causes an illness. In an ideal world, it should have been priority number one right from the start of the corona event. We should have had as many scientists on it as possible so that we could be sure what the illness was and what the severity was.

On 29th January, researchers in Melbourne, Australia became the first outside of China to recreate the virus from a sample taken from an infected patient (as defined by the PCR test). This meant that it was feasible to do the test according to Koch’s postulates. Having grown the virus, it should have been possible to infect animals with it and see what happened. By Feynman’s principle of reproducing other scientist’s work and not just believing what you were told, this should have occurred. Reproducing work is the most basic part of science.

In this case you would think it would have also been a matter of great political importance. Shouldn’t the Australian government, shouldn’t all other governments in the world, have wanted proper research data to guide public policy making? Data provided by their own scientists rather than relying on overseas “authorities”.

But this was not apparently a priority at The Doherty Institute or any other research lab around the world. The priority was to get to work on a vaccine. Research labs are expensive to run and vaccines can make a lot of money. It may be good business, but it is not good science.

Postscript 2

You could argue that this is all really silly. We don’t really need to prove that coronaviruses cause respiratory illness. We already know that. We shouldn’t be surprised to find a pandemic for a respiratory virus. We know there are many every year. We shouldn’t be surprised to find a new coronavirus. We know there are many out there that we don’t know about and as we look more we will find them.

Like with my Siberian Tiger example above, the thing we actually care about is: is this virus more dangerous than others that we know about and, if so, how dangerous is it?

That is the domain of epidemiology. But epidemiology takes time. It wasn’t epidemiology driving the corona event. It was “infections” and the fear of viruses. At any one time, each of us will be “infected” with any number of viruses but now we had a test to prove it and with that test the invisible world of microbiology with all its unfathomable complexity was reduced to a single point of fear.

All posts in this series:-

The Coronapocalypse Part 0: Why you shouldn’t listen to a word I say (maybe)

The Coronapocalypse Part 1: The Madness of Crowds in the Age of the Internet

The Coronapocalypse Part 2: An Epidemic of Testing

The Coronapocalypse Part 3: The Panic Principle

The Coronapocalypse Part 4: The Denial of Death

The Coronapocalypse Part 5: Cargo Cult Science

The Coronapocalypse Part 6: The Economics of Pandemic

The Coronapocalypse Part 7: There’s Nothing Novel under the Sun

The Coronapocalypse Part 8: Germ Theory and Its Discontents

The Coronapocalypse Part 9: Heroism in the Time of Corona

The Coronapocalypse Part 10: The Story of Pandemic

The Coronapocalypse Part 11: Beyond Heroic Materialism

The Coronapocalypse Part 12: The End of the Story (or is it?)

The Coronapocalypse Part 13: The Book

The Coronapocalypse Part 14: Automation Ideology

The Coronapocalypse Part 15: The True Believers

The Coronapocalypse Part 16: Dude, where’s my economy?

The Coronapocalypse Part 17: Dropping the c-word (conspiracy)

The Coronapocalypse Part 18: Effects and Side Effects

The Coronapocalypse Part 19: Government and Mass Hysteria

The Coronapocalypse Part 20: The Neverending Story

The Coronapocalypse Part 21: Kafkaesque Much?

The Coronapocalypse Part 22: The Trauma of Bullshit Jobs

The Coronapocalypse Part 23: Acts of Nature

The Coronapocalypse Part 24: The Dangers of Prediction

The Coronapocalypse Part 25: It’s just semantics, mate

The Coronapocalypse Part 26: The Devouring Mother

The Coronapocalypse Part 27: Munchausen by Proxy

The Coronapocalypse Part 28: The Archetypal Mask

The Coronapocalypse Part 29: A Philosophical Interlude

The Coronapocalypse Part 30: The Rebellious Children

The Coronapocalypse Part 31: How Dare You!

The Coronapocalypse Part 32: Book Announcement

The Coronapocalypse Part 33: Everything free except freedom

The Coronapocalypse Part 34: Into the Twilight Zone

The Coronapocalypse Part 35: The Land of the Unfree and the Home of the Safe

The Coronapocalypse Part 36: The Devouring Mother Book Now Available

The Coronapocalypse Part 37: Finale