Some readers might have been following the online furore over the British rape gang story in the last several days. Like many, it was an episode I had vaguely heard about but didn’t know the details. So, I was as shocked as anybody to read some of the paragraphs from the official report that have been circulating. The crimes themselves are heinous enough, but what’s even harder to swallow is the fact that multiple British authorities in multiple different locations systematically covered it all up. This was not a one-off bit of corruption; it was nation-wide.
The systematic corruption part of it reminded me strongly of corona. Obviously, all western nations went insane at that time, but the thing that I remember about Britain was that a number of high-profile establishment figures got caught breaking their own covid rules. The most ludicrous one was Neil Ferguson, whose bullshit models had been used to justify the lockdowns. He got caught visiting the home of his mistress, a married woman no less.
Meanwhile, Boris Johnson and many of his subordinates were caught multiple times breaking the covid rules. That even got its own name. It was called PartyGate, because Johnson’s office threw numerous boozy parties right in the middle of lockdown.
The correlation between the rape gangs and corona was strengthened in my mind, however, by the fact that a number of well-known public figures have come out defending the actions of the authorities in covering-up the rapes. Their justification? The story needed to be kept quiet because it could inflame racial tensions. Suddenly, it occurred to me that both the rape gangs and covid followed a deeper pattern. This is not a bug but a feature of the way we are governed.
Let’s start with the less controversial question of vaccines, of which covid became one example since the vaccines were supposed to save us.
Imagine you’re an important person in the establishment. You might be a government minister or high-ranking bureaucrat. News comes to you of deaths or severe injury resulting from people after taking a vaccine. You look into the numbers and realise it’s happening to only a small percentage of people, but the numbers are still quite high because everybody gets vaccines. Let’s just pretend the number of injured is 10,000.
Within the utilitarian mindset that still predominates in our culture, you weigh up that 10,000 against the supposedly millions of lives saved by vaccines, and you conclude that the damage is worth it. But you can’t admit in public that 10,000 people were injured because that could scare people into not taking vaccines. Therefore, you ensure that the vaccine injury figures never make it into the news. This is not that hard to do because you can destroy any reporter who goes near the story by labelling them an “anti-vaxxer” who is risking the lives of millions by reducing confidence in vaccines.
In our society, the majority of people would be perfectly okay with this approach. The lie and the cover-up are necessary for the “greater good”. What’s more, the “greater good” has been conclusively shown by science. Case closed.
But the “greater good” was exactly the argument made by those seeking to justify the rape gang coverup. The lie and coverup were needed in this case in order to protect public order and defend multiculturalism.
Here is the big difference between the rape gang story and the vaccine one. Advocates for multiculturalism can argue that it brings benefits. But those benefits are not based in science, they are just a moral view of what kind of society is good. What’s more, unlike vaccines, nobody’s life is being saved by multiculturalism. The utilitarian “greater good” argument simply doesn’t work in this case, especially because thousands of girls were gang raped, and what possible benefit can outweigh that?
Setting aside the actual issues, however, we can see that the pattern is the same in both cases. It is, in fact, the same pattern that is followed in questions around climate change, renewable energy, and seemingly every other issue of politics these days.
The pattern is that the establishment, which includes the politicians, the compliant media, and even the justice system, all coordinate themselves based on the party line. The party line may be nominally justified by science as in the case of vaccines and climate change, or it may just be a straightforward political position as in the case of multiculturalism. What the establishment will do in every case is to defend the party line.
But defending the party line no longer means rigorously debating the issues in public. Instead, it means stifling any and all information that contradicts the party line. What the rape gang story proves, however, is that the establishment now simply tows the party line no matter what. Towing the party line has become an end in itself.
In the case of vaccines, even people like me who think the whole thing is BS can still see why a majority of the public would believe it and why the politicians would want to pander to them. That was also true during covid. Although even during covid, it seemed obvious to me that the thing dragged on well beyond the point at which it could have been wrapped up. It seemed to me that something far more malicious was going on.
The rape gang scandal proves that this is true. It simply doesn’t get much more malicious than covering up for the organised, systematic, and repeated gang rape of some of the most vulnerable members of society. The details of what happened are so bad that it’s genuinely hard to think of worse crimes. Nevertheless, the establishment did what it always does now: it towed the party line.
All of that is bad enough, but what we have seen the last few days is that there are public figures, people with reputations to uphold, who willingly justify the cover-up. Not only that, they came out calling anybody talking about the issue racists, in just the way that any sceptics were called anti-vaxxers and covid deniers during the corona debacle.
The fact that these people are willing to do that over systematic gang rape tells you that the system is fundamentally broken. Clearly, it is now run by people who are 100% ideologues, lacking even the most basic of human empathy. Their only mission in life is to protect their precious belief system, even if it means allowing and facilitating horrific crimes.
Which reminds me of the quip that was made during covid: if you want to know what it was like to live in Nazi Germany, now you know.
It turns out that covid was not a one-off random event. That’s another thing that the rape gang story proves. We are now governed by ideological zombies. Best keep a cricket bat beside the bed.