Book Announcement

As some readers would be aware, I am the author of four narrative comedy novels. So, when one of my favourite bloggers and authors, the Archdruid himself John Michael Greer, put out a call for comedic short stories about a year ago, I leapt at the chance to submit something. I’m happy to say my story was chosen and the finished product is now available.

The title of the anthology is The Flesh of Your Future Sticks Between My Teeth:
Stories from the Gristle Cli-fi Parody Contest
. As the name indicates, the stories all poke fun at the nascent literary genre known as Cli-fi. Yup, that’s short for Climate Fiction, probably the most unnecessary genre since Bro-core burst onto the alternative music scene some years ago and, just like Bro-core, ripe for parody.

My contribution to the anthology is titled “Tell it to the King of Sweden, honey”. When America’s richest woman, Karrenn Smith Hernandez Wong, discovers that the King of Sweden’s niece has stolen her fortune and squandered it on a series of frivolous environmental schemes, she travels to Stockholm to seek justice.

You can check out a preview of the book, including the first half of my story, at the Amazon site.

If you’re interested in owning a copy, why not buy direct from the publisher here.

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